TBC: Chapter Twenty Four

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(I don't know if you guys even care or not, but would you want to see what I look like? Ya know, the author behind the screen.)

Dr. Nicca James Alfarone

"The hell do you mean Mihkail was taken?!?" I sputtered, standing up abruptly. "Then why in the hell are you just sitting here?!" I demanded to know, folding my arms in a bout of anger. "B-because the people who took him," Svetlana stood up, a look of fear in her eyes. "they belong to the Deathrow pack." She whispered and I furrowed my eyebrows, knowing I had heard that name before. "Isn't that the gang that Raymond came from?" Jose turned to Kaiden, who nodded in verification. "Yes. Is he somehow connected to this?" He asked and Savastian sighed. "This is what I feared. Raymond DiCaprio is not the Alpha of the rogue pack but his father, Renaldo DiCaprio is."

I had heard that name somewhere. "Dad, how many enemies do we have?" I inquired, leaning on my elbow. "Why is that we just can't be who we are without worrying about anything else?" My father Nicolai turned to me, a fierce look on his face as he let out a breath of oppression. "Well, Nicca. We have many enemies." He began. "But there's one person who has done so much to our family and we still haven't figured out why." I tilted my head. "Do you know who?" He nodded in response. "Though I can't figure out his connection to the Deathrow, I know he had something to do with my father's death. He had something to do with your maternal grandmother's death. He's been after us for awhile and I have a feeling he's looking for something important, just don't know what." He ran a hand through hair and let out a tiny growl, remembering those painful memories.

"Who is he?" I asked. "Everyone knows him because supposedly, he's some business mogul from Moscow and he suddenly turned up here years ago, out of all places he could've possibly went. He's the CEO of the hospital you work at but he has actually never came there." My heart thundered deeply and my eyes widened, knowing how close I was to a potential killer. "Dad..." He snapped his head over to me, finishing his words.

"Renaldo DiCaprio."

So all of this time, I was putting my family in jeopardy? "Renaldo killing my family was all apart of his ploy to get to me?" I sputtered and Svetlana nodded in reply. "We had no idea why his pack was constantly at war with us. It had gotten to the point where they used a different tactic once they realized that Mikhail was mateless for the longest. Usually that meant that he or his mate was special, and it so happened to be you. That's why Raymond set out to America in search for you to give to his father." I recoiled back in disgust, shivering against Jose. "He wants your power, which is why you have to figure out how to use it before they can use it against you." She warned and I sighed. "I know." In the back of my head, I could hear an old lady whispering something in my ear.

"Don't spend your time trying to figure out what you can't know. Embrace the unknown and it would surely become known to you." I shook my head, trying to figure what all of that meant, and right then and there, a slight pain made a hole into the side of mind and I closed my eyes, trying to figure out what it was. My head jumped back in shock and I clutched Jose.

"Whatever you do, Nicca," Mikhail shivered, speaking huskily through our bond and I jumped at the sound of his voice. "Do not get caught by them. I don't know what I would do if I lost you." The distress in his voice scared me and I just wanted hold him in my arms and let him know everything was okay. My baby needed me that's for sure and before I could even think about figuring how to respond, the connection through our minds snapped away and I could no longer connect to him. He felt nervous but he wasn't scared. It's almost as if he was trying to warn me from some dangers. A tear escaped my eye and I could feel nails digging into the sides of my arm. They weren't from me, but Mikhail and I knew someone was hurting him badly.

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