TBC: Chapter Six

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Dr. Nicca James Alfarone

It had been two months. Two months ever since I met Steve and we entered a relationship. Two months of happiness and it was the best thing I had ever experienced since my high school days.

"You like Steve that much, eh?" Jose raised an eyebrow at me. "You're such a bloody wanker." He teased and I scowled at his mocking tone. "Why though?" He asked and I sighed like I was in heaven. "Oi oi, come on now." He snapped his fingers at me. "I don't know. He's like the best guy I've ever met and he makes me really happy and I love being around him. I dunno, I could see myself being with him for the long haul." I said and Jose folded his arms, a sign he wasn't believing in me or my words.

"Be careful with that though, throwing the word love around like that. Don't get too ahead of yourself and start thinking you have everything you could have ever wanted in Steve because then, you'll wind up heartbroken and alone." He warned, glaring at me. "I know you want happiness but be weary of certain things, Nicca. Not everything is what it seems." He rolled his eyes. "I know." I whispered, pouting just a bit. "That's just how much I like him." I beamed and Jose snorted.

"Yeah, okay. Are you sure you aren't with him because he's some world renowned millionaire?" Jose clicked his teeth and I sent a glare his way. "Yeah, no I'm not. It's good that he has money of his own. Shows that he's successful in life as he appears to be." I stated and Jose shrugged. "Well, looks like you've landed yourself a rich boy, son. I always taught you well." He smirked and I flipped my middle finger at him. "Fuck off." I deadpanned and he let out a hearty laugh. "He's someone good." I defended Steve's honor and Jose shrugged once again. "If you say so, mate." He walked over to the desk and sat down in the chair. "If he's rich like you say he is and he has money to throw everywhere like supposedly, then I should be able to find him online. Don't you think?" He asked and I nodded in agreement. 

"You should try it." I motioned for him to log on to my computer. Steve never did say that I couldn't find him on the internet. "You're so eager, idiot." Jose rolled his eyes and I flicked him on the back of his head. "Get to work." I said and he typed in my password, logging in. He clicked on the google icon at the bottom of the task bar. "You say he has everything at his fingertips so we should be able to read about him and his 'successful' life." Jose typed in 'Steve Bardlow, millionaire' in the search bar and clicked search. 

"Let's see what we find here." He furrowed his eyebrows at the things that popped up on the screen. "Steve Barlow, the author of Skull Island." He huffed. "So, I'm going to take a guess and say that's not him." He scrolled down the screen a bit further. "Skull Island, Skull Island, 7 habits of a self made millionaire by Dr. Steve Barlow." He muttered to himself and I narrowed my eyes in confusion. "So none of these seem to be him." He concluded and I tapped on the screen to take me to the images.

There were several pictures of a gay couple with their children as well as a couple of pictures of the book, Skull Island. "None of these idiots look like Steve, the one we know of." Jose folded his arms, clicking his teeth. "If you're as rich as he is, then surely, you would be on a website or something like that. What is his job, Nicca?" Jose turned to me, a peculiar expression taking over his usual exuberant demeanor. "Oh, he's a CEO of his own company thus why he's a millionaire." I finished, staring at him in confusion and he nodded. "Let's try that then." I ignored the mocking tone in his voice and watched him type 'Steve Bardlow CEO' into the search bar. 

I ignored the rising feeling of angst piling up in my stomach as nothing came up on the screen that gave me indication of Steve. "There is not a single bloody thing about this asshole." Jose concluded once again. "You can type as many things as you want as many times as you possibly can about Steve, but there wouldn't be one thing about him." Jose peered into my face as I stared at the screen. "Are you aware just how mental this seems? Are you truly understanding what this means, Nic?" He retorted. "I'm just saying, be careful of who you trust. It's just a little suspicious on how he claims that he's richer than a mofo but you can't find a single bloody thing on this website about him." He finished and I sighed, knowing full well that Jose was right even if I didn't want to admit it.

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