TBC: Chapter Twenty Two

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Dr. Nicca James Alfarone

He left and he took my heart with him.

He left in the early morning when I was asleep. I woke up, feeling around his body and seeking for his cozy warmth, only to find that he was gone and there was just a note that he left on the pillow. It smelled strongly of him and the thought made me want to cry. All of his bags and everything he had brought with him were gone, a sign that they had never been here in the first place. Strings tugged at my heart as I was now alone like I was before everything had happened. There was no Mikhail, no Jose, no Kaiden, no one and it hurt. I unfolded the note that sat on the pillow and read it out loud.

My Nicca,

I'm sorry to say this but I had to leave. In order to land in Moscow at the promised time, I had to leave early. Me becoming an Alpha was something I always wanted and I couldn't let this chance pass by. I'll miss you more than ever but I told you, I'll be back for you. An Alpha needs his Luna by his side so this isn't goodbye. 

Until then my love,

Михаил Баранов

 I stared at the letter, wanting to cry at the sight of it. It was something that Mikhail would write but at the same time, it wasn't. He would put more love in it than just what he put in this letter but at the same time, he left me without a proper goodbye. It's that feeling like this was the most painful goodbye I had ever had, yet I didn't know it was coming and why. It was never explained. 

"Why Mikhail? Why? Why did you leave?" I hated the fact that I had grown so deeply attached to him and when he left, a part of me went with him. I hated the fact that it cut me so deep to the core to know that he actually left me. It physically hurt me inside, as if it gave me intense cramps and muscle aches. It hurt to breathe and it felt like fire was coursing through my veins, burning it's way inside and I was melting.

But alas, I had a job to tend to and many patients to care for, whether I liked it or not. Things had to continue, even if I didn't want to. Things had to be normal, it had to go back to normal even if the things that made it normal weren't here.

It had to.

* * * 

I had been running around all day like a mindless robot, just taking patients and writing prescriptions and sending them to the operating room if they needed it. I felt like a drone, like someone else was controlling me because I had no control over my mind. I walked into someone's room and I walked back out. Everything hurt on me. My head hurt and I was in need of a nap. I couldn't calm down because I was so anxious, enough to the point where I had to seclude myself in room just to contain my emotions that were boiling over and the lid to cover them, was long gone.

"It's okay, Nicca." I breathed in and out, clenching my fists in my lab coat. "You can do that." It was as if I needed something to calm me, like the scent of Mikhail. I needed him here and I hated the fact that I had needed him for my own personal benefit. Is this the effects of what they call love? I wouldn't know.

My phone began to ring and chime a usual ringtone and I took it out, accepting the call. "Hello?" I answered breathlessly, like I had been running for miles. I had gotten this feeling this morning after I sat and inhaled Mikhail's scent for closure. but it didn't work for me."Hey son." My eyes widened at the sound of my father's voice, something that I hadn't heard in awhile. "H-Hi dad!" I tried to muster up a cheerful tone but I couldn't. I had too much going on in my life. "Uh son, what's the matter?" He whispered through the phone and a tear slipped my eye, a throbbing pain in my chest and it felt like it was hard to breathe. But nonetheless, I mustered up a smile and pretended like I was okay. "Nothing father." I chuckled. "Why did you call?"

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