TBC: Chapter Eight

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Dr. Nicca James Alfarone

"I can't wait to leave." Jose whined, sighing as he ran a hand through his hair in a tired motion. "I'm just so done with this job." He slammed his clipboard down on the table, groaning in frustration. "You do know that this is your life long job, the job you wanted ever since you were a kid living in Britain, right?" I snorted, my stomach grumbling for food. "Yes, I know that Nicca," He sighed exasperated as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his lab coat. "But I can't even stand to be awake at odd hours of the night. You of all people know how I enjoy my beauty sleep." He complained and I rolled my eyes.

"It's the life of being a doctor, Jose." I stated, stifling a yawn. I had agreed with him because since we were sailing to be top notch doctors of our district, the city had us working odd hours of the day so we could get to the top of the ladder. "It sucks that we have to be awake after 1 AM but who cares? It won't matter when these odd hours finally pay off and we're sitting in our office, finally happy with our achievements." I folded my arms, smirking at his distant attitude. "We're almost there Jose, don't give up." I put a hand on my heart, pouting. 

"Oh shut up." He whined, huffing and puffing like a wolf. "You're not even tired. Mr. I Take Energy Pills Every Night bastard." He narrowed his eyes at me. "Be lucky we are not on call. We are just here, taking notes." I leaned back in my chair, missing Steve. I hadn't seen him fully since the day we had that argument but I have seen him in passing times and he apologized for the cruel way he acted towards me. He had sent me a box of chocolates, flowers with a bear to my office and I couldn't help but forgive him.

"What are you thinking about over there, ya bloody tosser?" Jose hissed, chucking a pencil at my forehead. "Ow!" I screeched in pain, covering my throbbing head. "You just looked so into your thoughts, like you just lost the plot. Are you sure you aren't going mental, Nic? I would sure hate to see you in a ward." He threw his head back in a laugh and I glared at him. "Nah, I was just thinking about Steve and how much I missed him." I chewed on some gum, hoping to derail my thoughts away from him.

"Of bloody course." Jose rolled his eyes, throwing a hand out in a flamboyant manner. "Of course you're thinking about that asshole." I scoffed in mock disgust at his tone. "What's so bad about Steve?" I questioned, staring at Jose. "You really have to ask me out of all people that question?!" He chuckled in bewilderment. "I just don't like the git. That's all." Jose shrugged and I sighed. "He's a great person once you get to know him." I said. "Well looks like I'll never get to see that cuz' I don't want to know him." He clicked his teeth.

"Where is he at by the way?" Jose kicked his feet upon the table, laying his stethoscope on it as well. "Doesn't he normally come to visit you at this time?" He wondered and I shook my head. "He doesn't know I'm here and he's out on a business trip in Cairo." I stated and his mouth dropped. "Cairo as in Egypt?!" I nodded in affirmation. "Don't know what the hell he needs over there." Jose coughed, sucking in some air. 

He got up out of his seat and went to go stare out of the window. "What's the matter? You've gone silent all of a sudden." I said, puzzled over his sudden silence. "You're scaring me, Jose." I muttered, watching as he crouched down on the floor, still looking out of the window. "You said that Steve was away on business, right?" He whispered and I nodded, knowing he couldn't see me. "Yes, what about it?" I yawned once again, watching as his body shook. "Then tell me, what the hell is he doing here at this time of night?" He growled and my eyes widened. "W-What?" I sputtered, getting up from my seat to go crouch next to him.

"Look." The lights were off in the room we were in so no one could see us. He pointed to where Steve was standing and talking to someone else. "Does he know you're here?" Jose asked and I shook my head. "No. He knows that I don't usually work Wednesday's nights and I didn't tell him." I stated. "Then why is he here talking to your driver?" I peered closer to see that it was indeed my driver. Steve didn't know why I had a driver and he didn't agree with that idea either. "Eh, I don't know. I know the driver usually waits here every morning before coming to get me from my house so it's not unusual that he's here when I'm not." I explained and Jose nodded. "What is that?" He pointed to see Steve looking around the vicinity before handing the driver something small and black.

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