The Beginning

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Chapter 1 – The Beginning

You would think that, when invading and conquering Earth, one would not have the time to notice anyone, one would never have the time do anything but plan.

That’s what Loki thought, as well. His mind was so busy with planning, he never thought that he would notice her. That beautiful woman who stood up to him without fear. 

He directed his scepter to them, shimmered to his golden armor, the air rippling around him as his black, green, and gold suit morphed.

“Kneel before me!” Loki commanded the group of humans in front of him, and when none of them knelt he shouted again, “I said kneel!”

Everyone became quiet at this, his show of power as he transformed, and knelt.

Loki smiled, “Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel.”

A girl stood, even when her companion pulled at her arm, trying to make her kneel with them, but she jerked her arm away, saying something to them through her teeth and then raising her head, standing taller to face Loki.

“I will not kneel,” she said with strength in her voice.

That voice. Loki didn’t let how it affected him show, but it hit him at his core. It was like music, like a symphony. It sent shivers down his spin and pulled at his heart.

“Very brave, young human,” Loki smiled to her, “But, it is useless to deny me. You will die.”

“My body and soul, maybe,” she said with a wave of her hand looking to all the people around her, “We all die in our due time,” she turned her silver, steely gaze back to him, “But my rights will not and my beliefs will not, I refuse to lower myself to you.”

A man stood at her words, “I will not bow,” he said and stood as tall as his frail frame would allow, “Not to men like you.”

Loki smiled at the man, “There are no men like me,” he smirked and raised his scepter to him.

“There are always men like you,” the old man said.

“Look to your elder, people. Let him be an example,” Loki smiled as he raised his scepter to the man, killing him.

“No!” the girl shouted as she watched the old man disintegrate and turned a glare to Loki, ignoring all the screams and panic around her, “How could you?”

“With a flick of my wrist?” he asked, his smile growing at her anger.

 A wind picked up and blew the girls hair around her, showing that instead of the black he thought it was, it was in fact a deep purple. The fury that shown in her eyes was so thick he could almost feel it in the air.  There was no fear in those stunning silver eyes, the fearlessness that reminded him of the women of Asgard. Did humans even have silver eyes? Why did she affect him so? What was it about this human girl that entranced him, ensnared him like this? His eyes were drawn to her, her beautifully curved hips, large breasts, long legs, even waist. 

The very way she held herself up against his powerful gaze shock him, such defiance, he thought, such a strong individual.

That’s what it was. Her strength, that was what drew him to her. She had the strength of a god. She was like him. He smirked, she was his.

“You,” he said pointing to her, “Come to me.”

She stiffed her back and lowered her head, her gaze falling on him and he felt the power of it, “Never,” she said softly.

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