Suit Up!

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The pen tip was pretty much gnawed off and crumpled up pages littered the floor of the room. Rika had been up for hours trying to think of what she wanted to name herself and ever growing pile of discarded papers were her failed attempt at a costume. She was lucky that she didn't have ink her mouth by now, she realized as she looked at the gnarled remains of the pen she had been given. She groaned and let her head drop on the pillow beneath her head. She was mentally drained from the day’s activities. She smiled as she remembered the proceedings after Tony had made the suggestion that she have a name, an alter ego.

"Oh!" Tony said lifting his finger in the air, "How about 'Rikola!' It fits right?"

Rika rolled her eyes, she was not naming her alter ego after a cough drop.

It was a unanimous no.

"How about 'Strom'?" Steve suggested.

"Nah, not really original," Tony shock his head, "Besides, doesn't really fit. We need something with more bravado."

It went on and on for a few hours before Mr. Furry put a stop it, telling them all to leave and get rested for the mission.

Rika couldn't rest though, she didn't know why, but she just couldn't. Loki was asleep beside her, his right arm slung over her lap. How he managed to sleep was a mystery to her. She smiled and looked down at him, running a hand through his hair as he slept. His whole body seemed to relax at her touch, snuggling closer to her legs. One of his legs slid over hers under the hunter green sheet Loki had summoned for them to sleep with, his sleep pants tickling her bare calf as he did so.

'How can you sleep at a time like this?' she questioned mentally, though not pushing into his mind as not to wake him from his deep sleep, 'You are always amazing me.'

She wondered, now, what he might be dreaming of and wanted so very much to peek into his mind and see. 

What could it hurt, she mused and gently probed around the edges of his mind. She found a small crack, one, she noticed, that was only meant for her. How sweet, she smiled, leaving an opening for me.

She closed her eyes and let her mind's eye take over. 

What she first became aware of was the sound, moaning, whispering, gasping; little things that slowly led into a more intense sense: the feeling. She could feel Loki touching her body.

She gasped and jerked out of his mind, become instantly aroused. She bit her lip and moaned, throwing her head back on her pillow. She should have stayed out of his dreams, she should have known better.

She clenched her fists and looked down at her paper, trying as hard as she could to really focus on the task at hand. 

Hands, Loki's hands, touching her. Stroking up her thighs to softly caress her butt, then continue up, gently trailing his long fingers up her back, sending chills across her entire body yet somehow lighting a fire deep in her belly.

She groaned, "So much for focusing," she said under her breath.

"You could join me, you know."

Rika's eyes widened and a blush colored her face, "Well," she stammered, "I have all this work to do. We don't know when we'll be leaving for the mission and I'd like to get this finished with this as soon as possible."

"But you could relax with me," Loki said softly against her arm, his lips brushing against her tender skin, "Who knows, it may even help with your inability to come up with a name and outfit. Though," he lightly nipped her arm, "I could do that for you."

Her mind got foggy at his touch, unable to really focus on anything but his lips on her flesh, the stoking of his fingers along the edge of her inner thigh, "I can only imagine what outfit you would create for me," she heard herself said with a nervous laugh and her breath hitched when his fingers brushed against the outside of her thin shorts.

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