Lost In You

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Loki and Rika spent the remainder of the day in each other’s arms. She couldn’t stop running her hand over his bare chest, constantly reassuring herself he was truly unharmed.

She had confessed to him all she had dreamt, even the last bit, reluctantly, of course. Her face blushed at the thought of it again, being so open was not something she was good at.

“I can’t bear the thought of losing you,” she said softly her lips pressing gently against his pectoral muscles.

“I fear,” Loki replied in the same level, “I am in the same sort as you. I do not know why, but I feel at a loose for words when it comes to the feeling that surges through me at the thought of you.”

“Oh?” Rika questioned.

“It is almost maddening,” he confessed as he absently ran his finger tips up and down her back, the fabric of her indigo satin and black lace night gown cool against his hands. 

“How do you mean?”

“I cannot allow myself the luxury of feeling,” Loki admitted as he stared start up at the ceiling, one hand behind his head, “Not now, most of all. All it would take is once, one hair’s breathe of distraction, and it could be the end of everything.

“Yet, with you,” he looked down at her, his green eyes truly seeing her, “Feelings, emotions, overload me. They swarm without mercy. The emotions hit me wave after wave, colliding into me until I am blinded with it. From fury to desire to lust,” he brought the hand that was behind his head down to caress her cheek, inching her closer to him, “Emotions I have no name for, having never experienced them before. Rika, you have awoken something in me and I know not what that may be. Only that it wants to take you and put you somewhere you can’t get hurt.”

Rika’s silver eyes darkened as she watched Loki’s mouth as he spoke, mesmerized by them, blushing when she remembered the feel of them against hers.

“I was terrified when I could not reach you,” he said further, emotion causing his voice to become deeper, “I felt as if you were gone, completely cut off from me. You would not respond to me telepathically or call me into your dreams when I called out to you. It was then I knew. . .”

Rika waited, anxious to the point she could hear her heart beating in her ears. What was he going to say? She wondered as she nibbled on the inside of her lips, searching his eyes, willing him to finish.

“But that is for another time,” he said and smiled softly, a gesture that already made butterflies spring to life in Rika’s stomach. Could this really be happening? After the long twenty-five years she had waited, was this really what falling in love was? She had no answer, never having felt the emotion.

Rika stopped her hands repetitive movement on Loki’s chest, “Loki?” she ventured ever so softly.

“Hm?” he replied.

“What are we?” she had to ask. Not knowing was driving her crazy. Were they a couple? She almost laughed at that notion. Her, a mortal, Loki, an immortal. It was almost too absurd to think on.

“I have yet to exactly figured it out,” he murmured as he leaned in to tenderly press his lips against hers, hoping she would not turn away from him. 

A delicate sigh came from her as she returned the kiss, moving her lips against his, putting both hands on his chest as he gingerly moved atop her, one hand on her face, the other holding himself up on his elbow above her. Rika’s hands moved up, wrapping around Loki’s neck only to travel further to run them through his soft, thick, black hair. She couldn't stop how her heart quickened at the site of his green eyes watching her, boring into her, as if he could see straight into her soul. His eyes darkened as she drew him nearer, her breathing increasing as her lips inched towards his. 

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