Losing My Mind

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Rika gasped and covered herself when the alarms sounded, but Loki pulled her to himself.

He got up and summoned clothes onto himself, glowing in a dim golden light as they appeared on him. He looked around and all that Rika had was the tatters of the peach dress that she had come to the ship in. 

“Come,” he beckoned to her with his hand outstretched.

She took his hand and he pulled her off the bed to stand before him, kissed her forehead and shut his eyes tight, trying with all his might not to focus on how her naked skin felt against, how beautiful she looked clad in naught but her own flesh. He placed his hand on her shoulders and summoned clothes on her. 

She yelped and jumped back when she felt the sudden weight on her body and saw the warm, soft golden glow around her.  She looked down saw a heavy, course, brown dress that came to the middle of her thighs, under which was a gray, mess long sleeved shirt that seemed like chain mail, but it couldn't have been, she though, it was too light, she knew chain mail was heavy. On her legs were light, black leggings thatwent down into brown, buckle down, leather boots. She looked up at Loki with a rasied eyebrow, "Whoa," she said and grinned, "Nice, not exactly my style, but nice nonetheless. What is it?"

"It's Asgurdian armor," Loki said and caressed her neck, "It's stronger than an human armor and a hundred times lighter. I wanted you to be safe, in case you get seperated from me. Oh, this as well," he handed her a pair of light, brown gloves and a belt, "This is also for you."

She felt the weight of something on her neck and looked down to see, hanging from a bright, almost glowing silver chain, a rune. It was a sideways Z with a line through it.

"It's so beautiful, Loki," she said softly as she picked it up to admire it more closely.

"It's my token, made from the finest obsidiean" Loki said as he pressed his lips against her forehead, "If you have this, and call out to me, I will find you, no matter where you are. I'll be able to come to you, as long as you call for me."

Rika closed her eyes and held the obsidiean charm in her hand, "Thank you, Loki," she she whispered.

"Now," he said and took her hand, "Let's get you some place safe."

The alarms continued in the background, but became louder when Loki opened the door and started down the hall, Rika in tow behind him, both her hands clinging desperatly to his. The yelling that had been faint, almost unheard, grew the closer they got to the labs. Rika knew it had to be something to do with the doctor they had on board, Bruce something or other, who was a scientist. She remembered snipets of what had happened when Beskyttelse had had control over her, Dr. Bruce had changed, almost as she had, becoming someone, or something else entirely. She knew how that felt, not being able to control turning into a monster. She was gripped, suddenly, by an almost overwhelming sence of terror, what if Dr. Bruce had transformed again, what would happen? Would he tear the ship apart? Would he kill everyone on board?

She didn't have to time to think of all the possible out comes when a group of men, armed to the teeth came rushing from behind them, headed toward the labs, up to their left.

"Loki, we have to help them," Rika said grabbing hold of his biscepts, "If Dr. Bruce had transformed we have to try help them, or else he'll tear this place apart."

"My first concern is getting you someplace safe," Loki said continuing on, seacrching, "Banner can wait."

"Loki, how can I be safe if he tears this place to pieces?"

Loki stopped and seemed to think. He cursed and turned around, holding Rika back behind him as the went to the science labs. Rika smiled at his back, even though she knew he was pissed, she couldn't help but feel satisfied with herself. After all, she thougth to herself, she had a point. No place was safe if Dr. Bruce had transformed into that horrible green beast, and Loki knew it.

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