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He couldn’t take his eyes away from the creature that stood in front of him now. As dangerous as he knew she was, as dangerous he felt she was, he couldn’t help but admire how beautiful she was.

He had to get out of the cell, he had to get to her, before she could hurt anyone.

When she spoke, it was in ancient Norse, but Loki understood every word, “You think you have the power to use me?” the now Changed Rika said, her voice overlapped with others voices, “Me? The last descendent of Hlín?”

She laughed, throwing her head back, her floor length hair swirling around her. The remains of Rika’s peach dress hanging onto the creature she had become by threads, tattered to nothing, revealing the ancient Norse symbols and runes that had continued under her clothing. Nothing shown, all of her intimate parts were covered by the pulsing, thick black designs that covered her now pale body. 

“Rika, you have to listen to me,” Loki said specking to her in English, “You have to come back, you have to take control.”

The Changed Rika whipped her head around to face Loki, malice contorting all of her beautiful features, but when her molten silver eyes met his her face softened, even more so than Loki had seen anywhere but in their shared dreams,  “What have they done to you, my King?” she said as she gracefully walked up to the glass that barred them from each other, touching the glass with the tips of her fingers, “They have locked you away, like an animal, like a prisoner. I will help you, I will get you out of this cage, my Mate. Then together, we will show them how weak they are, we will show them true power, of yes, my lover, we will prove how small they really are.”

“Rika,” Loki said gently, “I know you are in there, you have to come back to me. Rika, this isn’t you, you would never hurt someone simply because you had the ability.”

“I am not Rika, my Lord,” the creature said, her head tilting to the side, an innocent yet devious smile spread across her lips, “She was too weak to protect herself, that is why I am here, I had to protect her, had to keep her safe. We both know she is special, in more than one way. No, I am not Rika, I am Beskyttelse Makt.”

Beskyttelse Makt smiled at Loki through the glass, watching him as she splayed her fingers on the cracked glass.

Loki noticed that the glass was changing, falling away. He looked up into her eyes, she was turning the glass to sand, back to its original state. Then suddenly, all of it fell away to a water fall of sand, falling to the floor with a hiss as it made contact with the metal floor, falling through holes in it. 

“See,” she smiled walking through the sand to stand in front of Loki, stroking his shoulder guard, “I am powerful, more so than they. Who are they to command me to their bidding. They are weak, misguided, naive. Even now, their military is trying to use the Tesseract as a weapon, not the clean power the planet so desperately needs,” she leaned into his ear and whispered, “I have to protect them, from themselves. Don’t you see, my King, you and I together, we can rule them, save them. To take their freedom is the only way. I, Beskyttelse Makt, and you, my Mate, are the only ones who see that that is the only way. So, help me,” she said inching toward his lips, tracing her long fingers across his cheeks, “Loki, god, my Mate, and my King, help me save the humans, from themselves.”

Beskyttelse Makt gently touched her lips to Loki’s, running her hands around his neck. Loki couldn’t stop himself, he kissed her back, running his hands up her burning arms, feeling the power pulse through the runes and symbols. But it wasn’t the same as kissing Rika. He pulled back.

“Beskyttelse Makt,” Loki said against her lips looking down at her, “You cannot do this. Rika will not be able to live with herself knowing what you had done, what she had done. You know this.”

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