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The chill in the room woke Loki. It was so cold that he could actually see his own breath when he awoke, shivering next to Rika still unconscious body.  At first he had thought maybe he accidentally used his Frost Giant powers, but when he saw how stressed Rika seemed, her eyes moving rapidly, he knew it to be her distress was causing the temperature change.

Loki put his hand to her face, her skin was ice cold against his. When he touched her face, Loki saw a stream of tears flowing from her eyes that had frozen on her cheeks.

He sat up, now worried about her. She had been out for the better part of a day now and had never had a response to anyone’s attempt to bring her to. He pulled the chilled blankets off of Rika and pulled her into his lap, pressing her cold body to his warm, bare chest, rubbing his hand up and down her arms.  He pressed his lips to her forehead,  “Please wake up, Rika,” he pleaded desperately as he clutched to her, “Wake up, lille.”

Rika whimpered and Loki could feel her muscles struggling, twitching in response to whatever she was seeing in her dreams. 

“Rika, whatever it is, it is not real,” he tried to convince her as fear gripped his heart, “Wake up, please. I need you.”

Rika reacted more, her face changing as different emotions gripped her in the dream. But the most prominent was pain, but not like she was being hurt. He couldn’t understand it, at least, not until more tears ran down her face and her hands clinched like she was holding onto something desperately.

Loki started to truly panic at this point. Rika should have been awake hours ago and now she was having a dream that was affecting her physically. She wouldn’t react to him anytime he had tried to connect to her telepathically or through her dreams. It was as if she had been completely cut off from him.

“Rika, it is okay,” Loki whispered into her ear as he stroked her hair, “I am not leaving you. I am right here, you do not have to be afraid.”

Rika whimpered again, a sob escaping her as her body began to shake.

Loki pulled back to look at her and just as he caressed her cheek she shot up, her eyes going wide as she screamed, “Loki!” 

Her arms crossed over her chest as she sobbed, her hair falling into her face.

“Rika, it is okay, I am right here,” Loki said as he reached out and touched her shoulder.

Rika’s eyes met his and he thought his heart would break from the sheer disappear he saw swimming those deep pools of silver. 

“Loki?” her voice was barely a whisper as she reached up to touch his face, as if she didn’t trust what she saw. Her lips trembled and her eyes became a water fall as she threw herself into Loki’s arms, sobbing against his chest as she clutched desperately to him, “I thought you died! I thought you were gone, forever! It was so real!”

Rika clung to Loki as if he were her life line, which he was pretty sure he was at this very moment.

“I am alright,” he said softly, “As are you. Everything is just fine.”

Rika pulled back from him, her hands roaming his chest, her eyes searching in urgency. 

“You’re not hurt,” Rika stated as a smile soon took over the worry that covered her beautiful face and the tears of sorrow changed to tears of relief and joy, “You’re not hurt! You’re okay!”

Loki smiled and went to reply that of course, why would he not be, when Rika’s lips came down on his. 

What filled Loki, at first, was shock. Rika had never been the one to kiss first, it had always been he. But the feeling that overwhelmed and consumed him was the warmth that flowed into him at the contact. His heart seemed to stop beating then restart at hyper speed, pounding on the inside of his chest as if it were trying to escape from its confines and join with Rika’s. His arms wrapped around her waist, his hand traveling up her back as he moved his lips against hers, pulling her to him so that he could feel the racing heart who’s rhythm matched his own. Rika ran her hand up through his hair, pulling him closer still, her mouth demanding a response.

Rika’s heart was careening out of control at the sheer joy that filled her entire being at the fact that Loki was truly safe. But his lips against hers, his heat seeping into her body, lighting a fire deep inside her soul, did more than just careen it, the feeling of him against her made her heart want to explode. She kissed him back,  all her need held in it. She flicked her tongue against his lips, asking permission to claim his mouth for her own, a permission he granted as he did the same to her.

He tasted like snow and smelt like man, and it was all Loki. Rika couldn’t get enough of his smell, like cold air and leather. She loved it.

She wanted him to pull her closer and chase even the slightest whisper of the darkness that was her nightmare away with ever kiss he lay upon her lips, her chin, her jaw, her neck; she wanted him to claim her so that nothing else could ever have her.

She wanted him so much it made her chest hurt and her head light. And as he ran his hands around her sides, his fingers trailing paths of heat across her skin she could think of nothing but him and how complete she was with him. 

His hands gripped her, holding her as he let her fall to the bed, beneath him, yet he never took his lips from hers. She couldn’t touch enough of him. His skin was hot to the touch, yet never burned her, but only added to the desire that continued to build in her. She whispered  his name against his shoulder he kissed her neck and collar bone, making Rika gasp in pleasure as tiny streaks of fire raced through her veins.

“I thought I’d lost you,” she panted against his smooth chest as her lips caressed it, in the exact spot Beskyttelse’s foot had burned his skin and melted his armor, “I thought you were gone from me forever.”

Loki breathed heavily, his fist gripping Rika’s thighs as she ran her nails down his biceps, “I could never be lost to you,” he breathed onto her lightly tanned  chest as he grazed his lips over her, “Because no one could ever take me away from you. I am always here,” he kissed the area above where her heart lay inside her.

Rika shuddered at his touch, her legs shaking, as more tears pricked at her eyes. How could she have ever thought the man atop her now evil? He was nothing but tender to her.

“Loki,” she murmured she held him to her, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

He sat up, pulling her onto his lap, and buried his face in the hair that cascaded around her face.

They sat like that, holding each other for what seemed an eternity as Rika stroked his hair and back, simply taking in the fact that he was really there. 

She smiled as she gently laid a kiss on his head, he was hers forever.

“Promise me one thing,” Loki whispered against her shoulder.

“Anything,” she smiled.

“Never leave me?” he asked and Rika could hear the desperation in his voice, could feel the loneliness in his words on her tender skin.

“Not even if you wanted me to,” she replied and closed her eyes when Loki’s arms tightened around her.

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