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 “Be silent!” Beskyttelse demanded as thrust a hand at him, sending him flying back into the wall for a third time.

He gasped for breath, his eyes closing tightly with pain, his whole body tense and shaking.

She couldn’t take it, seeing Loki be hurt, but she couldn’t look away as he was abused, beaten into the metal of the air ship’s walls. 

“Loki!” Rika cried out reaching for him, trying to save him, “Take my hand!”

But he couldn’t hear her, couldn’t see her shaking hand reaching out to him in desperation. She had to save him, she needed to save him! She couldn’t let Her hurt him, but Rika was forced to watch on in horror as Beskyttelse Makt beat Loki into the wall again.

“LOKI!” Rika shrieked as she fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face, “LOKI!”

Beskyttelse wrapped her long hair around Loki’s neck and Rika could see his face contort in pain as she lifted him, dragging him across the grated floors to kneel before her. He winched when she dropped him, draping the hair across his shoulders.

“Now,” Beskyttelse smiled down at him  stroking his cheek with her long fingers, scraping her nails across his skin, “If you fight me, my Mate, we will have problems. I have a job to do, an objective I must complete. One my counterpart is unable to accomplish, sadly. She is too sensitive, too soft of heart, but I am strong enough, I can do what we of Hlin have been sent out to do since our line was given life.”

“Rika is the stronger of the two of you,” Loki breathed as he struggled to get air into his aching body.

Beskyttelse’s nail dug into his cheek, slicing a two inch line across it, causing him to flinch, “Rika is weak!” she seethed, “I am the strong one, I am the powerful one! I am the only one of the us who can use the power in our blood, she could not even if her life depended on it, she proved that!”

“You are wrong,” Loki retorted meeting her fiery gaze.

Beskyttelse slammed Loki into the metal grates, pinning him down with her foot. Fire licked the insides of her silver eyes  and steam rose from her body, her foot burning Loki’s chest where she held him powerlessly against the floor. 

“We shall see,” she whispered smiling down at him wickedly, her foot incinerating his clothing, melting it onto his flesh, armor and all fusing to his skin.

Loki cried out as Beskyttelse’s  foot branded his chest. He tried to grab her ankle but her skin seared his hand, like her very flesh was aflame.

“STOP!” Rika shouted falling to her knees, “LEAVE HIM ALONE!” 

Beskyttelse looked down at Rika on the floor, tears rolling down her cheeks, and smiled, “Concede,” Beskyttelse said sweetly, “Concede to my control and I will let your Mate live.”

“I would never!” Rika snapped glaring at Beskyttelse.

“Then Loki will die,” Beskyttelse said simply with a malicious grin.

Beskyttelse dug her foot into Loki’s chest, making him bellow in pain. Rika screamed, covering her mouth as she sobbed, watching the only man she had ever loved be tortured and there was nothing she could do. She tried crawl to him, tried to reach out to him, but something kept her from him. When she reached within two feet of Loki, something shocked her hand, causing it to swing back, making her cry out as pain rocketed through her body. She screamed in frustration, slamming her fists into the wall that surrounded Loki and Beskyttelse. She was thrown back screaming. Tears rolled down her face as she listened to Loki’s cries, crawling toward him. 

Beskyttelse stood over the two over them, grinning in satisfaction. 

“Please, Beskyttelse,” Rika cried out, “Let him go!”

“Let him go?” Beskyttelse repeated in an innocent voice with her eyes wide, but than an evil grin took hold of her lips and twisted her face , “Since you asked so nicely.”

Rika couldn’t move fast enough. When she saw Beskyttelse lift her foot she had thought that, for a moment, she would show mercy.

But, then, Beskyttelse’s foot came down.

The sound would forever be imprinted in Rika’s mind, the sound of the bones in poor Loki’s body cracking and breaking under the pressure of the force Beskyttelse put upon his sternum and rib cage, but the site. The site of Beskyttelse slamming her foot into Loki’s chest, the blood that came spewing out of his beautiful, soft lips, the pain that contorted his handsome face, that would forever be branded in the very depths of her soul.

The scream she let loose seemed to take an eternity to escape from her lips.

 The pain, however,  the sheer agony of seeing her lover die right before her, not four feet away, seemed to come with lightening speed, ripping through her and falling her to her knees. She couldn’t breathe from the soul-wrenching, heart-clenching anguish that tore at her insides and ripped apart her soul.

Whatever was between Rika and Loki dissolved and Rika crawled the rest of the way to Loki, sobs racking her whole being. Tears fell from her eyes as she pulled Loki onto her lap, falling to his face and washing away the blood continued to flow from his mouth, seeping into his lungs through the punctures inflicted to them from his broken ribs. 

She tried to contain herself, tried to be strong, but she could feel Loki dying in her arms.

“L-l-loki, it’s g-g-going to be o-o-okay,” she sobbed as leaned in and touched her forehead to his, “W-w-we’ll get outta t-t-this mess. Y-y-y-you can’t l-l-leave me.”

‘I won’t leave you, lover,’ Loki thought to her as he coughed, blood splattering all over Rika’s stained face, ‘I’ll always be here.’

“D-d-don’t say that!” she screamed at him, “You’re not d-d-dying on me! I love you damn it!”

Loki tried to smile, but his face twisted, showing the distress he truly felt, ‘It took me dying to get you to say that?’ he questioned.

Even his thoughts showed strain as his voice rasped in her head.

“Of course not,” she almost smiled, “I’ve said it before, you just never listened.”

Loki weakly lifted a shaky hand and touched her tear streaked face, catching one of the sorrow filled droplets on his finger, ‘I never not listened to you, lille,’ Loki said his voice becoming weaker, more faint, ‘I love you, Rika Hawthorne, my Mate.’

She knew when he died not from the drop of his hand away from her face, nor the sudden stillness of his body. No, Rika knew her Loki was dead when she felt his absence, when she saw his eyes go dead, blank. When she saw the glimmer of light leave, the slight shine he had that she had never noticed before, faded till he was a dull, lifeless, motionless, dead shell of the man she loved. 

The pain, the sheer magnitude of misery she felt overwhelmed Rika. An ache like none she had ever felt gripped her heart as she screamed, holding Loki’s now inert form to herself. Pulling him to her, clung to him as she grieved the lose her Mate. 

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