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Loki laid in bed after sharing the dream with Rika and he had learned so much. How could he not have seen it before? How it happened so fast? It was impossible. After only a month?

He ran his long fingered hands down his face, trying to sort through the mess that was his mind.

If he went through with his original plan for Earth, he would lose Rika, forever. But if he changed his plans, if he undid all he had started . . .

He didn’t finish that thought, he knew what would happen.

But Rika was more to him than the throne he would have on Earth. She was all he needed.

His heart rose, soaring at that thought, he would finally have a place to belong, to call his own. 

Tears pricked at his eyes, that’s really all he wanted. Ever since he found that he was no Odinson, he had felt lost and out of place. It was no wonder none of the Asgurdians had never liked him, never accepted him as one of them. It was never really, completely because of his jokes or pranks, never truly the mischief he caused, it was the fact that he was Frost Giant, and they knew in their hearts he never belonged with them. His heart ached at the remembrance of that night. When Odin had told him as much, he felt so lost.

He sat up, letting his legs drape over the side to land on the cold floor. He leaned over them, letting his hands fall limp on his lap. What would he do? How could he save her? 

He wanted more than anything to see her again, to look into those luminescent silver eyes that looked to the depth of who he was. He had to see her, his Rika. But he had meant it when he said he would not see her unless she summoned him. He stood, he had an idea. He knew her favorite animal was a Irish Wolfhound,  so he would use that. He walked out of his room in nothing but his cotton deep green sleep pants and went to her door. 

He started to shift, drawing on the power in himself to change into the animal, his black hair morphing into the dogs long black fur.

The dog opened the door with his mouth, pushed it aside, walked in, and shut it behind it. It trotted over to the bed, nosing at Rika’s hand that hung off the edge of the bed.

“Mhm,” she moaned as she sat up in bed, pulling the covers up to cover her sheer night gown.

The dog looked up at her, watching as she woke. Her curling, deep purple hair wildly spread across the pillows and down her shoulders.

“Where did you come from?” Rika questioned as she stood out of her bed and sat in the floor next to the dog, “Did . . . Did Loki send you here? For me?”

Her eyes seemed darker now, like thunderstorm clouds, he noticed. 

“How would he have known that?” she asked out loud, reaching out to let the dog sniff her hand. 

In return the Wolfhound nosed her hand, pushing it to the top of its head. She gently stroked between his ears, a feeling he never realized was so amazing.


“You are a magnificent creature, you are,” Rika said as used her other hand to inspect him further. He didn’t seem to mind, she noticed, actually he seemed to enjoy it if the way he leaned into her hand was any indication. He was beautiful, long, thick black fur and those eyes, those dazzling light green eyes, they were so intelligent, so knowing.

Why did they seem so familiar, so aware?

She brushed off the thought, Irish Wolfhounds were known for intelligence. She stroked the dogs neck, “Come on, boy,” she said softly with a smile as she got back into bed, patting the empty space beside her, “Come up here, it’s much more comfortable than the floor, that I can promise you.”

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