Welcome To The Club

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"Why do you think Mr. Furry wants to hold this meeting?" Rika questioned Loki softly looking up at him from under his arm.

"I am not sure, lille," Loki whispered in her ear then softly nipped iy, "We will find out soon enough, I feel."

Rika bit her lip, he noticed, and her cheeks darkened. A small grin pulled his lips upward and he softly kissed her crown, breathing in her scent. Her long, wavey locks were pulled back into a cascading bun, one strand left down to fall a long her oval face. She wore a dress he had braught for her. She loved it, he couldn't forget the shine her eyes had taken when he presented it to her, her fingers gingerly touching the navy blue satian garment, loving the black satian bow around the waist. It came to just above her knee, showing off her beautifully toned, lightly sun kissed legs and feet, which were slipped into perfectly fitting silver flats. It fit her like a glove, though her breast pushed the fabric to its limits.

Her hands held his tightly, the only sign of her worry. He, too, was worried but he couldn't let her see his fears. 

"He can't take you away from me, Loki," she said the statment clear in her voice, "I will not allow it."

"I do not think it is up to you allow or not allow anything," Loki replied gently stroking his thumb over the top of her hand.

"Did I say I cared what I am allowed or not allowed to do?" she asked looking side ways at him, "He will not take you from me, Loki, I will not allow it."

Loki smiled again and pulled her to him tighter.

They were soon joined by Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, and Loki noticed, however, Banner was nowhere in sight and neither was his adoptive brother, Thor. He wonder if they were already there, waiting with Furry.

As they continued down the long, metal halls, through the twists and turns of the compound, Loki noticed an absense of guards, of anyone for that matter. Where they being kept out of sight? Or repairing the damage that Banner had caused? He didn't know, but he still wondered.

They came upon a large entire way, the metal plate doors sliding open soundlessly as they got closer, and he saw Furry pacing around a large rounded table, a skylight above lighting the room with the help of a few synthtic lights. Sitting at the table was Banner, Agent Romanoff, and Hill, all looking serious. 

Upon their entire, Furry met Loki's eyes and held the stare. That's when he things were going to get very interesting. 

"Take a seat," he said sternly and clasped his hands behind his back.

They all did, Tony sitting side ways in his chair, one arm on the table the other hanging to his side. Steve sat straight, both arms on the table, seat pulled up. Banner stood and offered his chair to Rika smiled, execpted it, and sat, tucking her dress down under her as she did so. Thor stood off the side, leaning against the railing that lined the outter part of the room. Loki stood behind Rika, not wanting to have any chance that someone might go for her and he not have time to react.

"As you all know, the Tesseract is still out there," Furry said as he stopped his pacing and stood facing them, but he met Loki's eye with his good one, "And because of a few misunderstandings we have lost it."

"How do we lose a sourse of power that great?" Rogers asked, "I thought Banner had found a way to track it."

"I did," Banner replied leaning against the wall and crossing his arms, "But, as you can see, we currently don't have a way of tracking it now."

"Yeah," Stark said snidly, "He Hulked out  and decided to play wack a mole in the science labs. Only, there was no mole."

Rika put a hand over her mouth to cover the smile and caughed to hide the laugh that came at Starks comment. Loki put his hands on her shoulders and caressed circles with his thumbs.

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