Life Has Just Begun

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The sun shown down on her, warming what skin was not already being warmed by Loki’s body. She smiled, she was safe here, she could feel here and not be afraid. 

“Rika,” Loki whispered against her bare neck, sending a shiver down her spine, “Wake up, lille.”

“But, you are so warm and comfy,” she smiled as she turned to face him, “Waking up means being dressed, and I fancy the experience  of touching this flesh more than the idea of the barer known as clothes.”

Loki’s warm, soft laughter made her face warm, “Then we can talk like this. Is that agree able?”

“Yes,” she smiled up at him and leaned in to kiss him gently. She knew it was a dream, she knew none of it was real, she could give in to all the feelings that plagued her when Loki was around.

“The other day you mention something about your grandmother,” dream Loki said as he stroked her cheek, “What did you mean?”

“Grandmother told me one day two gods would come to Earth,” she began as she kissed a trail from his lips to his jaw and down his neck to his marvelous chest, “She said I was the only one who could stop the war that would take many human lives. She said that the one who would start the war was Mine, what she meant by that I don’t know. 

“She told me I was part goddess,” she continued as she playfully licked and nipped at his nipple, “Descendent of Hlin, the goddess of protection. She said the gift that had passed down the female line in my family would help me stop the war. She said because of what I was, I would Call to the god, the one who would start this catastrophe, and I would save him from himself. That if I didn’t, all hope for my home and future would be lost.”

She kissed his other nipple, flicking her tongue across it and smiled when she felt him stiffen against her, a groan and hiss leaving his lips. She looked back up at him playfully, asking with her eyes if it was allowed. He head lolled back and he ran his hand through her hair pushing her to him, giving the sign to continue. She couldn’t help herself as she went down, kissing his stomach.

“Rika,” he groaned and shuddered as she drew a circle around his belly-button with her tongue, “Don’t do that.”

She looked up at him with her bottom lips pouted out, “But I wanna,” she pouted and laid her head down on his stomach as she continued to look up at him, “I love the way you sound when I do it.”

Loki smiled a smile that she had never seen on him before, it was a loving smile, “Be that as it may,” he said with laughter in his voice, “I cannot think when you do that, and we have much to talk about.”

Rika huffed and pretended to pout, “Fine,” she said as she sat up and crossed her legs, “What do we need to talk about?”

Loki sat up as well, pulling Rika toward him so he could wrap his arms around her and hold her, “Like this war,” he continued as she relaxed against him, “What kind of war?”

Rika laid her head back against his chest and stroked his leg as she talked, “Grandmother never really talked about it,” she said and kissed his chest, getting distracted at the feel of his warm skin on hers, “Just that there would be a hole ripped in the sky and demons would fall from it and many people would die.”

Loki leaned his head onto hers and she smiled, she liked the way he was here in her dream. He wasn’t scary or silent and brooding, he was sweet and affectionate, kind even, it made her insides warm. She would much prefer dream Loki to the real one. 

“I don’t want to talk about the war anymore,” she said and turned to face him on her hands and knees, “I don’t like it. It’s depressing and not fun. I want to have fun while I can.”

“What do you mean while you can?” Loki asked as he leaned back on his hands, letting Rika lay atop him.

“I’m gonna wake eventually,” Rika said plainly as she kissed up his chest, paying extra attention to his nipples again, “When I do, I’m stuck with the real Loki. He’s broody and distant,” she looked down at his chest, “I like you, my dream Loki, you’re exactly what Loki should be like. I want to be here with you, were I can show how I feel.”

“How do you feel?” Loki asked stroking her curly hair, “About the real Loki I mean.”

“I don’t know, to be honest,” she whispered, “When he’s around my head gets fuzzy, like I can’t make up my mind on whether or not I should be mad at him or kiss him till his eyes cross.”

She bit her lip and look up at her dream Loki. His face was so much sweeter here, so much more kind and gentle. The real Loki always looked to controlled, so focused all the time, like he constantly was trying to keep complete and utter control of himself. She wondered why suddenly. Why did he say they were so alike? When she had mentioned that her parents had never been there his eyes softened, like he knew her pain. Had Loki’s parents abandoned him as well?

“Why haven’t you ever told me?” Loki asked, his eyes become concerned.

“I have,” she said stroking his cheek, showing she was okay that he didn’t have to seem so concerned over nothing, “I just did. The real Loki would never understand. He’s too taken up in his plans to notice me. Besides, I have to take care of my sister and Earth first. After all that is taken care of . . .”

Loki  watched her as her thoughts went round and round in her head. Did she really not realize that this, this dream was real? Did she not realize she just confessed her feelings? What had she meant about after she took care of her sister and Earth?

He stroked her hair, his chest hurt at the thought of losing her. If he went through with his plans . . . would he lose his Rika? If he conquered Earth . . .would Rika hate him?

He couldn’t stand the thought of never having her like this again, and if he went through with his plan . . .he would never have her like this again. He couldn’t have that. 

Fire filled him. He would not lose Rika, not after just having found her. 

He would not go through with the plan, he had to find away to stop what he had already set in motion. He would make sure he wouldn’t  lose Rika.

He had a new plan now. 

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