Imagine #6 Gabriel

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Requested by @KyraTheFangirl_1375

I cannot do the requested that have episode 5 qualities for a bit because I cannot update my TWDG for a while. So until then I will not be able to fill those requests. Once I play the game I will do those requests.

Sorry for any inconveniences.


     I thought that I was gonna die. My hands were still shaking even after we escaped that car lot. Those muertos came out of nowhere and those people who wanted to kill us scared me. Honestly, when is somebody not scared these days. The only reason I'm alive is because I was one of Gabe and Mari's best friends.

     Now Mari is gone and it feels like a piece of me has ripped off. She was so happy to have found her headphones and then those people had to ruin her life. Well, end.....her life. I can't even see her joyous smile anymore, all I see is that billet going through her head.

     While nobody is looking I slip out of the towns gates. The town was made up of an old airstrip that would probably never be used again. I sit down on the grass and rest my head in between my knees. My tears slipped onto the dead grass and I heard a freak of metal behind me.

     Kate was inside the town possibly dying, Javi was back at the car lot defending us, and Gabe was sitting beside me. I look over at him and rest my head on his shoulder. I look out into the bushes and hear branches snap. It was probably some muertos. Gabe reached out a little bit and grabs my hand.

     I let him hold it and kept silent. I didn't want to say anything because I was too damn distraught. Truth is, I had always had a crush on Gabe but I didn't want to say anything about it. I didn't want to ruin the friendship that we have spent years building. I discreetly scotch closer to him and hug him.

     He just lost his sister and I was thinking about my crush on him. The vision of Mari flowed through my brain again and I wept. Gabe deepened the hug and I kept crying. He lifted up my head and wiped away my tears. I blinked the rest away and looked at him. His eyes were puffy too.

     His free hand reached up and touched my jawline. He slowly leaned in and his lips gently touched mine. Emotion was flying around like a kite in the wind. His sister just passed away and he was kissing me. Perhaps it was just because I was close to him and emotion was crazy.

     Or maybe it was because emotion was crazy and this let every little feeling loose. I know it did for me because I kissed him back.


So this imagine was a little different as it had no speech but I thought it'd be cool to do one like this. Hope you guys like because more updates are coming soon!

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