Imagine #13 David x Reader

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Requested by TheDeliriousQueen

I collapsed onto a nearby patch of grass and looked up at the sky. It was a pastel pink with a hint of orange. It was perfect for my last sight that I would ever see.

I was dying of hunger and dehydration, my hand was cut and badly infected. I grabbed my pistol out of the holster on my waist. I look at the clip and see two bullets left.

Whoever would find my body, would at least have one more chance.

I looked up at the sky one last time before closing my eyes. I thought of my little sister Clem. I prayed that she was still alive, if there even was a god to hear me.

I pushed the barrel of the pistol against my head and kept the image of her in my mind. I could taste the sweetness of freedom on my tongue.

I was about to pull the trigger when I heard heavy footsteps and voices. It wasn't walkers.

"Put the gun down and stand up please." I heard a voice.

I opened my eyes and the sky had gone dark. I've been here for hours....

"Stand up." The voice commanded.

I felt the tears welling up in my face. I just want to be at peace...

I looked at the strange man, he had a weird burn mark on his shoulder. His gun was in his hands, I'm presuming that it was there in case I was a walker.

"I'm David. Let me help you." He said.


He took me back to his town and I stayed there for a few weeks while I got better. My hand would forever have a scar, but it was better than being dead. I walked along the perimeter, checking the walls and making sure that they were closed off and no dead decaying being was try to jump through and eat those who resided in here.

Don't mind me being graphic or anything.

I felt a presence behind me and held my gun tightly. I quickly turned around and swiped out the legs of the person standing behind me. The person fell and I aimed for their head until I realized who it was. 

It was David.

I looked at him with hot cheeks and a sheepish face. I then helped him up and he laughed. "It's okay Y/n, don't worry, not gonna eat you." He joked.

My face became even hotter. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and walked with me the remainder of the time that I had to check the walls.

Afterwards, we went down to the old church building and talked like usual. I was obviously in need of help, and he had an open ear. There wasn't really anyone around to talk to professionally anymore, so I decided that this was the best I was gonna get. It was nice to have someone listen to me, I developed a little crush on him awhile back, but I wasn't gonna act on it yet because I wanted to focus on myself before going on and finding someone.

"David! David! We need help, there are people at the front gate. They won't listen to us." One of the townspeople came rushing in. 

David and I looked at each other and then nodded. We all ran towards the area of the front gate. When we got there, I was in shock. I honestly thought that I wasn't going to see her again.

It was my little sister Clementine.


After awhile of bonding, I sat down with Clem in my house.

"I still don't approve of that tattoo that Jane gave you. You were too young." I scolded her when I saw the ink on her.

"Oh please Y/n, I don't even know how old I am, so you don't need to scold me." She sassed back.

Yep, she's definitely my sister.

I heard my door open and looked over my shoulder. David had walked in.

"Clem, why don't you get some clothes? I have some in my room that should fit you in the closet." I told her. I always kept clothes for her in case I someday found her, even if I started to give up hope.

She complied and went down the hallway. I motioned for David to come and sit and he did. He put his head between his hands, and his arms rested in his knees. 

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I have just started to fall for someone else, because I thought my wife had gone. Now that she is back, I thought that we could find what we had. Now I find out that she has been with my brother. MY BROTHER!" He exclaims.

I didn't really know what to say. Reassuring words were never really my thing. So I kind of let the word vomit do its thing.

"David, she is an absolute idiot for leaving you. She can't see the kindness in you and your heart. I pity her. You are such a good friend and human being and I love that about you." I told him.

He looked up at me then smiled. He opened his arms and I leaned in. We hugged and I even felt better from that little heart to heart talk.

Little did I know that the person that he had been falling for, was in fact me.

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