16 Gerard Way

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"D!" I yell when I'm able to speak again. I rush to him, blood already lathering my hand as soon as I touch him.

I know he's a goner, but I still try to revive him. It doesn't work. I notice Frank at my side but don't give him much attention. Then he grabs Dr. Death's paw and touches his head with his other hand. He closes his eyes. I wonder about what he's doing but then I see Dr. Death's spilled blood receding back into his body.

Several cracks follow and his legs go back to their original position. I see his stomach rising and falling as he starts to breathe again. Frank falls back onto the gravel.

"Frank?" I say questioningly but am distracted by the barking dog right next to me. "Dr. Death!" I rejoice and give him a giant hug. "You're okay."

When he escapes my embrace, he goes over to Frank and licks his face. He twitches some and then starts to laugh as he opens his eyes.

"You're welcome, buddy," he greets, scratching Dr. Death's head.

I snatch Frank off the ground and demand that he explain himself.

He shrugs like a guilty kid under questioning.

It takes me a second to put two and two together. "You healed him." Not a question.

"Yeah..." he lowers his head.

I'm silent for a while. I examine my blood-stained hands once more and look back at him. "How?"

He raises his head, leveling his questioning gaze with mine, "What?"

I speak the words as clear as I can. "How did you do it?"

"I don't really know, I just did."

"So you single-handedly healed a dog just because?"

"That's right."

"Interesting. Do you have any idea how you were able to?"

He completely dodges the question and says, "It's getting late, we should probably get home."

I notice the sun going down in the distance. "I guess so. Come on Dr. Death." I'm kind of annoyed that he didn't answer the question but whatever. I just turn and start the walk back home.


I stop and smile to myself before turning back around. "What?"

He holds his arm awkwardly, "I could show you."

"Okay, do it."

"I can't right now. Can you meet me at Orange-Tail Forest tomorrow?"

"I guess.... What are going to do?"

"A little exploration." He's grinning now.

"Okay, what time?"

"Can you do 4:30?"


"Then I guess I'll see you tomorrow." He turns to leave but then stops. "And bring something to swim in."

Before I can ask him why, he's already left. I sigh and make my way home so Dr. Death and I can wash the red off of us.


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