66 Gerard Way

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A/N: Hey guys! So here's the chapter as promised, I like how it turned out to be honest. There's not much to say except giving a thanks to Gerard Way himself -I updated today since it's his birthday btw. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and there will be more chapters soon so please stay tuned.

On with the chapter

"I'll be with you every step of the way, okay?"

I try to contradict him, "B-but I'm messed up, Frank. Y-you shouldn't have to put up with me and-"

"Maybe I'm a mess."


"I'm a mess too, Gee. But even though I'm messed up, you still put up with me, even at my worst, so why shouldn't I be with you at your worst?... I care about you, Gerard, and I just want you to know that."

My eyes widen at the statement and I smile slightly at him. I sniffle some and tighten my grip on Frank's hand, snuggling my head into the crook of his neck. I partially whisper, "T-thank you, F-frank."

He has no idea how much I needed to hear that. It means a lot to me and I feel better just from knowing that. Even if it isn't true, I can let it be true for the moment. That's all I need, just a reassurance.

Frank shifts slightly to place a gentle kiss on my head, making me blush a little. He sighs softly and holds me tight, only the sound of our quiet breathing is audible. With every passing moment, my heart rate decreases, soon going back to normal as I fully calm down. I consider my next actions carefully before I take a deep breath and release it slowly.

I stare at my sleeves for a bit, weighing the possibilities that would follow what I'm about to do. I speak just above a whisper, "Frank..."

He stirs a little, as if he had been sleeping or at least dozing off. He replies tiredly, "Yeah?"

I move out of his hold and position myself where I'm sitting in front of from him. I take another breath before I roll up my sleeves and expose my arms. I look away, embarrassed as well as scared of what will happen next. I could feel Frank's eyes raking over my pale limbs, only the dark wounds and irritated cuts making any appearance of color. These weren't the only self-inflicted injuries I had, but Frank only wanted to see my arms. So that's all he would see.

I keep my attention on the floor as I say darkly, "You're still sure you want to be with me?"

Frank surprises me when I feel his hand on my cheek, tucking some of my hair behind my ear and then resting on my face. When I finally I look up, I realize my face isn't so far from Frank's. He stares into my eyes so intensely, I actually feel like he's staring into my soul. I notice the golden orbs that normally occupy his eyes have turned a beautiful shade of blue but is hinted with grey as well.

I would have been fine with this but then I recognize the glassy look to his eyes too. A few tears collect at the rim of his eyelid, but he looks like he's absolutely set on not letting them fall. He stays like this for a few seconds, waiting until he was positive I was paying attention.

It's only when he's sure, that he says, "I'm going to protect you, Gerard."

I scoff, chuckling with no humor, "You can't protect me from myself, Frank."

He smirks, a determined look on his face now. "Watch me."

I smile genuinely, causing Frank to break into a grin as well. His eyes slowly go back to normal and I press my hands on either side of his face, leaning my forehead on his. I whisper happily, "You're such a dork."

He gives me a little kiss on the nose, "I'm happy to to be yours though."

"I am too."

He giggles, warming my heart and lightening the mood,"That was fucking gay."

I roll my eyes, pulling him in for a kiss, "I know."

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