82 Frank Iero

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"Five bucks says you can fit in the suitcase," Gerard proposes, grinning devilishly.

Yep, knew that was gonna happen eventually. I had already noticed his attention moving from me to the closet repeatedly so I knew it was only a matter of time. I squint my eyes at him, pondering it over before deciding that I would definitely enjoy proving him wrong as well as receiving five dollars for doing so.

I roll my eyes, accepting the offer, "Deal."

Despite the exhausted composure that Gerard has had for the half-hour that I've been here, he suddenly moves rather quickly as if he's been full of energy this whole time. I giggle at his eagerness, watching in amusement as he rushes to retrieve the suitcase from his closet and present it before us. He gives me a smug look, stepping back to give me some room and nodding towards it as an invitation.

I smirk, already sure that I would win this bet even before I step into the suitcase. I must admit though, it is slightly above average size but I'm still confident that I'm definitely bigger. I sit down in it and scrunch up into a fetal position, shifting to lay on my side. Once my head is just about inside, I have Gerard close it. I was just about to tell him to pay up, but then I notice something.

I fit perfectly.

"Goddammit," I curse, shocked as well as defeated.

I hear Gerard chuckling as he opens it again, peering down at me and triumphantly at that. He asks in amusement, "What was that?"

I groan in response, closing the suitcase once again. "Leave me be."

Gerard laughs again, patting the top of it as if for consolation. Though his voice is slightly muffled, I hear him remind me, "I still have to pack, silly."

I grumble to myself before getting up and out, choosing to lay on the floor instead.

He steps over me to get to his drawers, commenting, "You're ridiculous, you know that?"

And so begins day one of no Gerard.

He's just left with his family and is now on his way to the airport. Though I'm not the happiest to see him go, I did very much enjoy spending the morning with him. While I stayed on the floor, he went downstairs to get some coffee and even brought back some for me. After getting up into a sitting position instead, we drank and  talked for a while.

We played with Action, joked around, and flipped through Gerard's sketchbook too. A couple times during which Gerard threw a pillow at me for being too loud, and vice versa. At one point we went from why people call orcas "killer whales" when they're actually dolphins, to the who psychological structure of the human mind.

When it was time for him to leave, I actually latched onto him, partially to mess with him, and partially because I was going to miss him. After prying me off, he gave me another hug and a kiss. He gave Action back to me so I could watch after him while he was gone and even gave him a pep talk before doing so.

With that, he let me out, waving as I reached the ground and started my way back home.

Once I get there, I realize I have about a half-hour before I need to leave for school, so I decide I should probably get some breakfast so I can head out for some extra time in the library. I find my aunt on the couch and give her a small greetings as I make my way into the kitchen and rummage through the refrigerator. I settle for a sandwich and lean on the counter while I eat, my mind starting to wander from one idea to the next.

One of particular interest seems to stick out and I get my aunt's attention, asking, "Hey Aunty, do you think I can go downtown today after school?"

She ponders it over for a little bit before consenting, "That's fine, just be back before six; your uncle and I are going on out."

"Hoo hoo hoo," I tease her, "gotta a hot date?"

I can tell she's rolling her eyes as she responds, "Shut up. Go get your stuff for school, I'll take you."

I giggle in amusement, finishing off my food and moving towards the stairs to get to my room. I grab my backpack and earphones and head back down to meet Aunty Lily at the door.

The drive to school is a relatively short one, but still comfortable. Once I get onto campus, I head towards the main building, keeping my head down as I walk to the library. While doing so, I notice something as well.

I never realized how different it feels, being alone again.

Walking through these halls, crowded with students, yet, still desolate. The murmurs of a hundred faceless strangers seeming to blend into one consistent buzz. Clustered, but separate. Loud, but silent. Surrounded, but alone.

You'd think that after years of feeling this way, I would never forget it. But I did. Because after only a month or so, Gerard had completely obliterated that feeling for me.

I smile softly to myself, Hm, who would've thought?

Though I will be a bit lonely today, it will still be peaceful.

Then again, who would've thought this would be the calm before the storm.
A/N: Did someone say cliffhanger? :3
Hope you enjoyed❤

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