65 Frank Iero

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A/N: Thank you guys for 3k views, I would have never imagined I'd get this much and I'm very grateful. I'm so glad you like my writing and I hope you'll continue to read it as well. That's all for now so please enjoy.

On with the chapter

I press myself against the wall, careful not to make a sound as I listen to Matt's footsteps thunder by. It's only when I hear them fade away completely that I dare take a breath. My heart continues to race but eventually my breathing goes back to normal and I can focus again. When I do, I hear something from one of the stalls. Sobbing. I hesitate at first, not sure what to do and unsure if I could even help.

I take a breath and call out quietly, just in case Matt just so happened to be near. "Hello?"

The noise stops abruptly, but soon a familiar voice croaks, "W-who's th-there?"

I step closer to the largest stall where the source of the voice resides. I question, "Gerard?"

He sniffles, "F-Frank?"

"What's wrong, Gerard?" I place my hand on the door, peeking through the small space of it and spotting Gerard on the floor. I request, "Can you open the door?"

"I... I.... No."

"Gerard, plea-"

"I-I don't w-want y-you to s-see me."

"But I want to see you," I protest, growing more concerned by the moment. "Please, just unlock the door."

A silence filled with tension as well as hesitation follows, but after a little bit, I hear the click of the door as Gerard unlocks it and lets me in. I lock the door behind me and stare down at the floor where Gerard has returned to. He brings his knees to his chest and embraces them, continuing to let out small sobs as his body is racked with his ragged breaths. I take a seat next to him and remain in my observant state, allowing him to calm down even if it's only a tiny bit.

Before I can say anything, Gerard starts, "I-I don't know w-what happened; I j-just felt s-so sick and then I-I j-just started to p-panic a-and I'm so s-sorry. P-please don't b-be mad a-at m-me."

I sigh, feeling my heart sink once again but ignoring the pain for right now. I tug at his hand and intertwine our fingers, watching him with careful eyes. Gerard lifts his head and looks at me, tears filling his eyes and spilling over the edges, making it harder for me to keep it together. I wipe at his cheek with my free hand and raise his chin, ensuring that we're making eye contact.

I speak clearly and descively, meaning every word, "We're going to get through this, Gerard. It's going to take some time and it might not be easy, but we're going to do it, just trust me. I'll be with you every step of the way, okay?"

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