54 Gerard Way

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The sun feels nice on my face and I sigh in content, enjoying the warmth. The cat's movements begin to slow down some as it walks in circles, trying to get comfy. When it finally finds a comfortable position, it lays down, curling its tail around itself. I smile at it before looking up Frank, noticing his golden stare set on me.

"What?" I ask him, not really caring about the answer.

He completely ignores my question, looking as though he's stuck in some sort of trance. Normally, I would try to figure out what's on his mind but this time, I leave him be. My eyelids begin to droop a bit, tiredness creeping in. I guess a lot has happened, but I don't feel as exhausted as I thought I would. I stifle a yawn, trying not to disturb the feline of ice that's still resting on me. I'm attempting to avoid passing out, but I can feel the clutches of sleep trying even harder to pull me out of consciousness.

A nap sounds sweet, however, a bed would probably be better to sleep on rather than the forest floor. I shrug slightly, deciding the ground will just have to do. Sure, it is practically the middle of the day; my tired mind apparently does not care. I get as comfortable as a I can and close my eyes, allowing sleep to overcome me.
When I wake up, I sit up and stretch, loosening up my tired muscles. I panic at first because I suddenly remember the cat that was on me but I relax when I see it on the ground next to me, playing with a rock. Then I panic I notice something missing. Frank. I scan around me and see no trace of him... except for the pile of clothes sat not too far from me. That's a bit disquieting. I get up and continue to look around, a little scared as well as curious of what I might see. He wouldn't just ditch me, would he? And even if he would, why would he leave his clothes?

"Frank?" I call up to the trees, remembering that he sits up there sometimes. There's no answer so I try again. The silence that follows doesn't help my nerves in the slightest. I sigh, trying not to freak out anymore than what I already am. Where in the world could he be?

The splashing of water stops the quietness abruptly. I turn to see Frank rising out of the water. Shirtless. I quickly bring my hands to my face, covering my eyes as a deep blush settles on my cheeks.

"F-Frank," I stutter, my embarrassment impaling my normal speech. "W-What are you d-doing?"

Although I couldn't see him, I knew he was shrugging as he spoke, "Not much; I was just going for a swim... Why are you covering your face?" He sounds genuinely confused.

"Well Frank, I don't know if you noticed, but you're kinda naked."

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