W- Wardrobes

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Wardrobes (Where better?)


Chairman Meow worried a lot for Blue-Eyes. His master often took him into this one room after extensively grooming him, where there was a lot of noise, and often shouting, leaking under the doorway.

Today, he had managed to get into the room, and for some reason, the noises were coming from the wardrobe, which was rather large. Chairman Meow had seen enough spy movies to know what shrieks coming from a locked area meant. Possible torture.

That would not do. Who would feed the Chairman if Blue-Eyes didn't?

Chairman Meow pondered. Who could he get to help Blue-Eyes? Normally Master would do that kind of thing, but he seemed very... occupied with Blue-Eyes at the moment.

Then the Chairman remembered that Blue-Eyes had a very good friend, Blondie, who had a cat. They lived in Manhatten, not very far away, he was pretty sure he could get a message there in time to save Blue-Eyes.

Church didn't think he was getting paid enough to do the things he did. He didn't get paid anyway, he just got the occasional piece of food that Blue-Eyes or Blondie didn't want that Long-Hair 'cooked'. So when he received a message from Brooklyn (he'd had a lady friend there once) he couldn't quite think why he was doing what he was doing. What he was doing was scratching a message into Blondie's wall. Blondie himself was sitting on his big cat basket, staring in amazement at him.

Of course Church could write in English. One didn't live for nearly a hundred and thirty years without needing a hobby.

He finished the message and turned to look at Blondie expectantly.

"Blue-Eyes is being tortured by Master Bane, send help or Blondie to Brooklyn -Chairman Meow." Blondie read aloud. It was so frustrating when humans repeated everything.

He looked at Church, and back at the wall, and at Church again.

He blinked.

Church metaphorically sighed. Are you going to bloody do anything or did I ruin my nails- claws- for nothing?

Blondie blinked again, before seemingly understanding the message and leaping to his feet, grabbing several weapons and running down the hallway to Long-Hair's room.

"Izzy! Izzy we've got to go! Alec's in trouble!" He yelled, banging on the door.

Eventually Long-Hair poked her head around the door. " Hmm?"

Blondie rolled his eyes. "Alec's in danger. I just got a message saying that Magnus was torturing him."

Long-Hair let the door swing open, grabbed her whip and leapt into the corridor.

"Well come on then!"

Chairman Meow paced back and forth, waiting for some sign of someone coming to save Blue-Eyes. If they didn't come soon, Blue-Eyes might not have much time.

Why do humans take so long to do everythung?

He started as the main door crashed in, and two figures stumbled through the wreckage.

"Alec?" Blondie called. "Alec! Where are you?"

Chairman Meow meowed impatiently, headbutting the wardrobe door.

Long-Hair frowned at that, but Blondie (clever Blondie) moved forward.

He pulled on the doorhandles, then pounded on the doors when they didn't open.

"Open up Bane. I have it on good authority that you're torturing my parabatai in there, and I'd like to lock you up in the Silent City."

There was a pause, before two people started laughing loudly from inside the wardrobe. Blondie frowned.

"Oh Jace, I never knew you cared." Blue-Eyes called. Chairman Meow blinked in surprise.

Master was still sniggering. "I'm not torturing him. We're christening the new wardrobe."

"Magnus!" Blue-Eyes said, scandalised.

Blondie turned an uncomfortable shade of red. "Oh. Oh." He coughed. "Uh, sorry. Keep on doing... whatever you're doing. Maybe. I mean, I-"

Long-Hair grabbed his arm and pulled him away.

"They're like rabbits those two." She muttered to herself.



I'm sorry this chapter isn't very long... the reason is because I have a lot of work at the moment as my important exams are four weeks away :0 so either you're going to get shorter, not as good updates but closer together or longer, better ones but they might take a while. As this story is coming to a close soon, I'd obviously prefer longer beter quality ones as this also gives me time to revise, but if you prefer shorter ones, comment!

I will, however, be posting the occasional one-shot on my profile (follow me to actually keep up with them) which are not necessarily tmi.

Thanks for reading this long note!

I love you all!

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