X- Xenophile

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Xenophile (And other various one-shot one-shots)

Xenophile- somebody with a great love for foreign cultures, manners and languages.


You don't live to 854 without having travelled the world to some extent.

Wanderlust often filled immortals with the desire to go somewhere new, staying in one place too long was so mundane, to pardon the use of the word. Magnus was one of these people. He'd visited almost every single country (there were three that he hasn't been to yet, and desperately wanted to visit. One of these he was technically banned from, but he'd eventually find a way around that).

You wouldn't have to know Magnus very well to get a glimpse of his love for other languages, manners and cultures. Just taking three steps into his apartment and you'd be accosted by a small British table, with a French vase balanced on the top, which stood on an Italian doily. Another step and you would see the huge African sand painting hanging on the wall plastered with wallpaper bearing the traditional patterns of Japan. These were switched with other belongings on a daily basis so that Magnus would always have some sort of foreign memory around him. Most had got to the stage where they made him happy and reminiscent instead of sad.

Alec, on the other hand, had only ever been out of New York a few times. This was always to visit Idris, and even then the trips had only lasted a few days.

He had confessed this to Magnus on the day Max had died.

<•> flashback <•>

Alec stood. Izzy and his mom were a tangle of dark hair, weeping, and his father was on his knees next to his brother's body. He didn't know where Jace was. He didn't care for once.

Nobody noticed Alec walking away from his family, slinking into the shadows. He walked. He ended up somewhere. He didn't know where. He didn't care.

And then, only then when he was alone and away from everyone, he stopped being strong.

He fell to his knees and curled in on himself, sobbing painfully.

He's nine. Nine. Was. Past tense. I'm never going to see my baby brother again. I'll never play with him or read to him or train him again.

Another noisy sob escaped him. Why hadn't he been there? He'd been fighting. He'd left him with Izzy and Sebastian.

I'm going to kill him. I'll tear out his throat. I'll avenge you Max.

He should have realised that something was up with Sebastian. He should never have trusted him. He should have been the one to die, not his baby brother.

A warm arm circled his shoulders and he stiffened, turning his head around quickly. Magnus. Of course. He relaxed into the burnt-sugar smell, and allowed himself to calm down.

"I should have been there." Alec whispered into Magnus's shirt. "It kills me to know he was alone except for that bastard when he died."

"You were saving me. I can't make this go away. I know, it hurts, but it's not your fault You shouldn't have done anything." Magnus said slightly awkwardly, rubbing a circle on Alec's back. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

Alec shook gently with sobs. "It hurts. it hurts and there's nothing I can do," he looked up at Magnus, "to make it stop, nothing. You've had this before, how do you make it stop? How?" he clutched at Magnus desperately.

Magnus sighed. "Everyone's different. What helps me might not help you. I go to my happy place." He looked down at Alec. "What's the place in the whole world that brings you the most comfort?"

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