Yep , it Mingyu

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Up till now this trip was just fun and games, now however I'm ready to serve up revenge. Taejoon should know that no one messes with my girlfriend and gets away with it.
I pick up the phone "Jimin, I need your help."
Jimin 's the ultimate prankster, he'll know what to do.
"Yeah dude, sure. Just tell me what happened?"
I clench and un-clench my fist. "It's Taejoon again."
He starts laughing. "She likes you Mingyu, and she lashes out at poor Tzuyu."
"Exactly, just yesterday she pushed my Tzuyu into the sea."
"That's low man, so I'm taking it you want revenge?"
"Yeah, let me know when you think of something."
"Okay, call you later dude. Take care of Tzuyu ."
"Yep I will. Thanks, bye."
I walk over to where Tzuyu's laying and kiss her on the forehead.
"I'm sorry I wasn't around yesterday, I feel horrible."
"It's okay, you're sweet but I'm fine, really."
"I'm not. Taejoon can't just get away with whatever she does."
"So what are we gonna do to teach her a lesson?"
"Now there's the Tzuyu I know- evil."
"Hey!" She shrieks, chucking a pillow at me.
"Oh it is so on." I reply, throwing my mini bean bag at her.
She socks me on the head with an especially hard pillow.
"OW." I yell.
She bats her eyelashes. "Did that hurt babe?"
"What do you think?" I glare.
"I'm thinking you should man up." She winks.
I sigh, you just can't win with my girl.
"I'm thinking I'll be able to that if you don't hurt me."
She giggles. "I'll stop."
"Thank you." I say, grinning at her.
"And I love you." She says. "You're so cute when you're annoyed."
"I love you too." I say, blushing.
I must have spaced out because seconds later Tzuyu's calling my name.
"Earth to Minh ?"
"Sorry Tzuyu, just thinking... can we meet again later...I have some stuff I need to take care of."
"Like what?"
"I'm just getting you something you'd umm want." I say, avoiding eye contact with her. She looks hurt for a millisecond but then her expression goes back to normal.
"Okay then." She says, leaving it at that.
"Looks like I'm off the hook.. for now.." I mumble, to myself.
I take the long way back, running past shadow cove and onto the stretch of beaches where the spa is. I hide behind a wooden shack, what's that heated place called again? Taejoon walks out, talking on the phone, wearing a juicy couture bathrobe, personalized with her name on it in gold thread. Jimin would make so much fun of her if he was here, he'd know exactly what I should do to get back at her.. Man, I miss him.
Taejoon's ridiculously high-pitched laugh shakes me out of what Tzuyu calls "Mingyuworld". It's a weird laugh, sounds like a teenage girl + pig's grunt + evil laugh combined, the results are scary.
"I can't wait to try that new hair treatment they have, nourishing and shiny or so they say..." She blabbers on. "I'm going to get the natural look, of course, absolutely no dyes. Don't you think he'll find it hot? No I'm not going to wear pink Ash, he hates that color."
I suddenly know exactly what I'm going to do. I rush to the cosmetics store, a place I never want to set foot in ever again. How do girls pick anything? There are 15 different types of 'black' eyeliner, a whole shelf of wigs, various hair combs and of course the dye counter. I grab a bottle of neon pink, it's perfect. I then sneak back on the ship, visiting hours on land are over as it is. I then go meet Tzuyu, on the upper deck.
"Hey you." I say, grabbing her around the waist.
"Why do you smell like perfume?"
"Because I was in a cosmetics store and I bought you lip balm." I say, pulling out a tub of raspberry and apple, her favorite.
"You went to a cosmetics store just to buy me lip balm?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Um yeah." I say, lying through my teeth.
"Well that was sweet, thank you. But Mingyu- I know you too well, you bought apple-raspberry because it's my favorite but also because it's yours.. you can't stop kissing me when I use it."
I laugh, relief flooding over me, so she didn't suspect anything.
"True." I admit, blushing.
I then open the lip balm and she giggles.
She kisses me, and it's heaven. Apple-raspberry flavored heaven.
While Tzuyu is busy on the phone with Mina (man that girl can talk), I sneak up to the 3rd deck and walk towards the suites in pursuit of Taejoon. Taejoon leaves her room, running to catch up with the concierge, her latest crush. I rush to stop the door before it closes. My mouth drops open, how many clothes does that girl have!? I see 5 suitcases and one leather tote. I open the bathroom door, heading into the shower area. Now which bottle is her shampoo? Ahh, here it is: spa treatment, tropical fruits. I open the bottle, but freeze when I hear the door creak.
"No, I just pushed her into the sea. And she thought she could pull of my style, puh-lease."
I cringe, and then stop myself from laughing. If only Taejoon knew what she was in for...
"Yes, let me just grab my charger."
The door shuts again and I let out the breath I was holding.
I squirt out a few drops of pink dye into Taejoon's shampoo, shaking the bottle up so that it blends well.
I leave, trying to imagine Taejoon's reaction.
I drag Tzuyu near the suites, refusing to tell her why. We sit on bar stools at the frozen-yogurt counter, a whole corridor away from Taejoon's room. While I wait, Tzuyu glances at me, trying to figure out what I'm thinking. She understands soon enough after hearing a high-pitched shriek.
"Mingyu. What was that? It sounded like..."
"That would be Taejoon ." I doubled over in laughter.
"We should go see if she's alright!" She grabs my hand, pulling me up from where I had fallen on the floor. We see Taejoon and her once brown hair, now bright pink.
"My hair is PINK." She shrieks, glaring at me suspiciously.
She marches off to get the concierge.
"Just look what the new spa treatment did to my hair!" She wails, yelling at him.
He tries his best not to laugh but fails dismally.
"It'll wash off in a few weeks, it's just temporary dye." He says, tears rolling down his face.
"Is this a part of the spa treatment?" She asks him, furious at his reaction.
"N-no, miss." He says, quickly.
"When my father hears about this.. he will s-sue you." She shrieks, knocking on the door opposite hers.
"What have you done?" Her father yells, in a rage.
"It's the new spa treatment." Taejoon says, whimpering.
"You must have bought the bottle which says 'spa dye treatment.'" says her mom. She turn's to Taejoon's dad. "This is what happens when you give the girl everything, Sehun."
He scowls at Taejoon . "Young lady, you're grounded."
Taejoon gives me the evil eye.
"It won't come off till the cruise ends." Tzuyu adds, with sincerity on her face.
"Well we'll be off the ship by then. We planned to dis-embark tomorrow as it is." Mr. Sehun said, stiffly.
"Well it was lovely meeting you Sir!" I say, grinning.
"Now if only Taejoon could have nice friends like you kids." He mumbled, walking into his room.
Tzuyu and I burst out laughing when we're safely away from Taejoon's family.
"That was classic." She says, grinning evilly.
I laugh.
"I had to do something." I say, modestly.
"Thank you Mingyu ." she says, smiling.
I just smile back, this day's been a lot of fun.

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