Mingyu Again

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"Hi Mum" I say, spitting out my words. I had just gotten back from school,just finished talking to Jungkook and Tzuyu.
She gazed into my eyes, the way Tzuyu does. She could sense the varying emotions from just one gaze into my eyes, though right now my anger is the only thing of any relevance. How could she have gone out with Jungkook's dad,of all people.
"Mingyu honey, what happened?" she asks, concern flitting across her face.
I was livid "Jungkook's dad-mom, really?"
Her face gets all contorted and I see her eyes start to cloud over, with regret and with anger.
She sighs "He used to beat me when he was drunk, that's why we broke up."
"He beat you?" My eyes rage with fire. I pick up a pillow, and chuck it as hard as I can across the room.
I wan't to swear so badly right now.
I go up to my mom, engulfing her in my arms "Mom that piece of crap would never deserve you."
Tears stream down her face but she makes a feeble attempt at a smile.
"He came here one night- in a furious rage. He begged for me to get back together with him but then he saw you. You screamed and cried and then--" She laughs now.
"I what?" I ask. "And where was dad?"
"You puked, the poor little sick baby that you were. All over Jungkook's dad's shoes. And dad was away on a business trip."
I laugh, still holding on to her "It's a good thing I did."
"Jungkook" she whispers, depressed. "Poor guy."
"He hates me mum" I say.
"Oh sweetheart.. he doesn't hate you."
"He does mom..especially now that he know's I'm friends with Tzuyu."
"Friends?" my mom laughs as I blush, embarrassed.
"That's what we are." I say to her.
"Not for long." she winks.
I groan "Back to Jungkook, I think he needs therapy."
She sighs "I was hoping it wouldn't get to this- Talk to him Mingyu, be there for him and suggest he goes to Dr.Shin"
I go up to my thinking place, the old tree house outside, but not before promising I would. It's a cosy little loft-type tree house and I love going there (it was my 'secret' place with Tzuyu when we were kids).
I grab one of the cushions strewn across the oak floor and prop myself against the wall, headphones dangling casually from my ears- music blasting. I look up, smiling. The ceiling is designed so that it's just one big window. I like it that way: sunlight streaming in and me looking out.
"Mingyu? Mingyu?" It's Tzuyu's voice.
"Hey Tzuyu."
She grabs a cushion and sits down next to me.
"Why you mr.sad face today?" she says, frowning.
"I'm just thinking about Jungkook , that's all. I feel like this was my fault in a way, Jungkook's dad wanted me as a child without even knowing me." I say.
"Mingyu, It's not your fault. Jungkook doesn't hate you. You just need to get to know him and stop judging him."
I smile "Thanks Tzuyu, you always make me feel better."
She smiles back. "So No boo-boo anymore?"
She's teasing me.. Up until the fourth grade I used to say I had a boo-boo whenever I was hurt or sad.
I grin "A slight boo-boo."
"And why does this boo-boo make you happy?"
She looks confused but on her its a cute look.
I wink "Because I know the cure."
She looks flustered "And what would that be?"
I pull her closer to me, as close as she allows me to pull her. I brush her gorgeous hair off her face and start tracing patterns on her cheek with my thumb. I lean in, shyly. She stays where she is, frozen. I ignore that and kiss her, fireworks go off and I can taste her raspberry lip balm. She kisses me back but then stops. My mind whirs and all I want to do is pull her back to me.
"Mingyu I--" she starts to say.
"It didn't mean anything." I say, quickly. I'm disappointed inside, I didn't know I was that bad a kisser.
"I was going to tell you that I like you Mingyu but then you said that THIS DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING." She says, her voice raising by the last line.
I thought she was going to say 'Mingyu I- just want to be friends.'
"Tzuyu it isn't like that." I yell at her retreating figure.
She turns back, once, giving me a heartbreaking look.
She looks as if she's going to cry any second.
I go back home, miserable.
"Mingyu , sweetheart it's dinner time." My mom calls out.
She looks at me, knowingly. "This is about Tzuyu isn't it?"
I nod, glumly.
"Want to tell me what happened?" she asks.
"I kissed her." I sigh. "And then when she pulled back I got concerned and told her it didn't mean anything."
"Oh Mingyu , never lie to a girl who's always heard the truth from you... especially about your feelings for her."
I groan, putting my head down on the table.
"And then she said she was going to tell me that she liked me." I say, my voice muffled.
My mom laughs. "So someone's putting their head down because their embarrassed.?" she half says-half asks.
I look up. "I am not embarrassed." I say.
"Then why are you blushing?" she accuses.
I blush some more. "Okay fine, I am embarrassed. I really like Tzuyu."
She smiles "I know, honey."

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