Well, It's Tzuyu ;)

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"He DID what?" She yells, almost deafening me.
"I know right!" I scream back.
"You can't stay mad at him though, promise me right now Tzuyu." This is her no nonsense voice and man is it scary.
"So you're saying 'okay' but there's something that's keeping you from meaning it..."
Damn my best friend. She knows me better than everyone else. I'm scared of how intense this feeling is. I'm scared that I feel like I'm not whole without him. And what scares me the most of all is that we won't last because of my need for commitment.
"Wait a second, are you scared?"
Oh great. Mistake number one- my silence. Mistake number two- underestimating her guessing abilities. Note to self: Never underestimate Mina.
She takes my prolonged silence as confirmation. "You're scared about how you feel, you're scared that you depend so much on him and scared of him leaving and you're scared that you've started to believe in the concept of soul mates?"
If this was a gameshow, a buzzer would go off for the right answer.
"Wha-how?" I blurt out.
"Guess knowing you since we were five pays off, huh?"
"You can bet on it."
"Okay, so you've got to confront your fears."
I play with the hem of Mingyu's soft, orange, j-crew t-shirt and stare out the window at the clear blue sky. It's huge on me, but it's my favorite t-shirt to wear to sleep.
I take my time to answer but when I do, she seems satisfied and hangs up saying she'll see me after she gets back from her trip with Jungkook. They're heading out to Yellowstone National Park, after a lot of persuading from Jungkook's side.
I sigh, lying back down on my bed, procrastinating carrying out what I promised Mina I would do. 'Talk to him.' The three most deadly words right now. Things just got better, the last thing I want to do is mess them up again, and she knows that. My phone starts buzzing, finally, a distraction. I'm betting on a funny snapchat of Jungkook with Mina but nope, it's an sms from Mingyu.
"Good morning gorgeous ;) On my way over!"
It starts to buzz again, not giving me any time to reply.
"Pack a small overnight bag and meet me down in 2, your mom already said yes :)"
I rush into the shower, laughing as the warm water hits my skin and lathering up with my new chocolate body scrub (an "I miss you" present from Eunha and Rose). I then put on a pretty, turquoise, floral dress and throw my cream cardigan over it, fastening the strap of my wedges to finish off my look. The look is Mina approved, and I figured that if Mingyu got up this early just to surprise me, I could do this much for him. I then rush around my room dumping my phone, charger, camera, slippers, toilet case, two changes of clothes, my lingerie, my bikini and a pair of short-shorts to wear at night into my travel tote. 'Now I just need an oversized t-shirt' I think but then decide that I'll steal one of Mingyu's. I call it the 'miracle bag' because it fits every possible thing that I could need in it.
"Tzuyu honey, Mingyu's here."
I grin and run down, I'm probably as excited as a kid at a candy store right now because I've really missed my boyfriend.
"You look beautiful Tzuyu." He whispers into my ear, and I blush.
"Run along lovebirds." My mom says, winking suggestively which only causes me to blush harder. We say our goodbyes and sit down in his dad's vintage corvette, which Mingyu, by the way, seems absolutely stoked to be driving. But then who wouldn't be?
"Where are you taking me?"
He smirks. "It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you."
"But I really want to know." I pout and all he does is laugh, stopping by the side of the road and kissing me to shut me up.
I pull the front of his shirt and the kiss deepens, so much so, that we're breathing heavily like there's no air left in the world. His hands run down my side, and mine through his hair. This kiss can't compare to anything I've ever felt before. Here, now, it feels like we're one. He bites softly on my lip and then pulls away, sneaking gazes at me as he straps on his seatbelt. He leans towards me and I smile. Clearly, he's going to finish what he started... but no, instead he trails kisses down my neck, straps on my seatbelt and leans back with a smirk on his face. Tease. Now he'll pay. I turn away from him, pretending like the view is the most fascinating thing in the world. It seems as if he already anticipated that though because when I glance at him from the corner of my eyes, he's smirking at me and humming happily. And I thought I was the evil one. Okay, tactic one didn't work but there are other ways Tzuyu. I say to myself. When we stop at the next signal, I unbuckle my seatbelt and move towards him, slowly biting my lower lip and running my hands over his toned arms. He shivers under my touch and buckles my seatbelt once more, arm trembling.
"Not nice Yoda." He says, driving towards what looks like a quaint, black, iron, gate.
"We reached." He tells me, not bothering to hide his huge grin.
"Where are we?"
He picks me up, with one arm, and slings me over his back like I weigh absolutely nothing, opening the trunk with his other hand and taking me out my aquamarine 'miracle' bag.
"Are you excited?" He asks, smirking and I nod, he already knows I am but I love seeing the smile on his face when I answer.
When we enter I see a beautiful, sprawling, green lawn with tiny, white cottages dotting the border. There's a bigger, beige cottage at the entrance that reads 'Reception'. We walk to the reception where a man who appears to be French and in his mid 20's hands us a key.
"Enjoy your stay!" We will, I say and he winks at Mingyu.
"It's nice to finally meet you Tzuyu, Mingyu's been planning this for weeks."
I grin and turn to look at Mingyu as I answer 'Pierre' "It's nice to meet you too, this is just amazing."
"You haven't even seen the entire place yet."
I'm still in his arms as we walk to the edge of the field, beyond the cottages is a lake, glistening in the sunlight, and across the lake there are what look like modern tree houses. Mingyu points to the distance "That's where we'll be staying."
He then points out some kayaks, hidden behind a bunch of bushes.
"And that's how we get across."
An incredibly Mina-like squeal escapes my mouth and Mingyu's eyes twinkle with amusement.
"Do you like it?"
I grin up at him, as happily as a five year old in disneyland and he smirks, brushing his lips against my cheek. We then get into separate kayaks and race over to our cabin. I realize just how much I missed this, not my boyfriend, but my best friend too.
"I won." I scream.
Mingyu looks a bit thrown, guess he hasn't kayaked in a while.
"Your excitement fuelled you, did it?" He asks.
"Maybe." I wink. "Loser gives winner a piggy back ride."
"Hey, no fair." He groans, picking me up.
I run my hands over his toned shoulders and he shivers.
"If you continue that, I'll drop you."
"You wouldn't."
With that, he quickly unlocks the cabin door, runs up the stairs and comes to a beautiful, spacious room with great natural lighting, beige, gauze curtains and, of course, a large, plush, white and beige bed which he promptly drops me on. I grab a pillow which leads to an immediate pillow fight, ending with us both collapsed on the bed, laughing. Mingyu suddenly turns to me, seriously, resting my head on his legs and playing with a loose strand of my hair.
"I know you already know this but I need to tell you again."
"You can tell me anything." I whisper, moving my hand till it finds his.
"There is no one better for me than you and there never will be. I want to be with you today, tomorrow and the day after that, till forever. I know we're still in college and people don't truly believe we can last but I do. And I'm-"
I interrupt him, because he looks slightly panicked now. Like he's unsure of how I'll react to all of this.
"Shh, I'm yours. I love you." I say, because I mean it and I can tell how worked up he is.
"Say that again."
He rolls off off the bed, pulling out a tiny, maroon pouch from his back pocket and pulling out a beautiful, infinity ring, with our names engraved on it. It's a promise ring.
"Both." He smirks.
I take in a huge gulp of air. "I-I'm yours." I stutter as he slides the ring onto my index finger.
"I love you." I whisper and he kisses me passionately, breaking away only because of the ring. He's been glancing at it, from the corner of his eyes, and I can tell he wants to say something. He rubs the back of his head, nervously, his green eyes staring into mine like he doesn't want to miss a single reaction.
"It's a promise ring. The infinity means that I will love you forever and someday beautiful, I hope to be able to ask you to marry me."
Suddenly the room is blurry and I can feel a tear pricking at the edge of my eyelids. I move his hand to my face and he gently rubs away the tear with his thumb.
"Good to know I still make you that nervous babe."
I smack him with the pillow. Comments like these even seconds after semi-proposing to me later... Well, that's Mingyu for you. I nuzzle closer to him, borrowing my face into his chest.
"You're all I need." I whisper and I know those four words carry more meaning to him than any others ever could.

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