Say Tzuyu

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"Hello." I mumble, groggily.
"Tzuyu!" She shrieks.
"Mina, it's 4 in the morning here." I say. "And getting my ears permanently damaged isn't my idea of an ideal wake up."
She brushes off my comment. "Well at least you're awake." She says, happily.
"Now tell me all about Hawaii." She squeals.
It's a command, not a request so I get talking. By the time I'm done talking to Mina: I'm fully awake. Who needs Coffee when talking to your best friend gives you an instant morning pick me up?
I wander outside, camera around my neck. The sun's just starting to rise and everything around me lays peacefully, as if basking in the sun's glory. A warm red glow seeps out from a buttery yellow sun. Woah, if I just used 'buttery' to describe something then I really must be hungry.
I head back up to my room, changing out of track pants and a t-shirt to something less 'grunge'. I decide on my favorite pair of cut off jean-shorts, with a floral halter top. As I'm rushing I leave my hair loose, grab my tote and slip on my havaianas, all this in under 10 minutes. Mingyu always complains I take too long getting ready so I wanted to prove him wrong, just this once. I can picture Jungkook raising his eyebrows at the 'just this once' part, we've really gotten to know each other better this year. Jungkook would probably say "Just this once means it'll happen again, in Tzuyu talk." I smile; proving people wrong always gives me a feeling of accomplishment.
I rush down to the breakfast hall, grabbing a coconut and a freshly-squeezed glass of tangerine juice.
"Tzuyu, come sit here." Someone calls from across the room.
I squeeze my eyes shut, praying that that someone is Mingyu. I open my eyes; my wishes don't come true at the most inconvenient moments because that 'someone' happens to be Taejoon . She smiles at me but it's as fake as a plastic Barbie doll, she's as fake as a plastic Barbie doll.
"Tzuyu, there you are. Come eat outside with me."
I have never been happier to hear Mingyu's voice. I laugh and nod in relief. We walk to the buffet table, hand in hand.
"Mingyu!" Taejoon says, suddenly appearing for coconut milk.
Taejoon waves to Mingyu , a genuine smile appearing on her face this time. Mingyu scowls at her and drags me over to the cereal stand. Taejoon gives me a 'You're going to pay' kind of look; I just laugh and kiss Mingyu on the cheek to make her jealous. Mingyu's become taller this summer, more attractive and he's always been funny, smart and sweet... I see why Taejoon would like him, too bad for her that he's mine.
We walk outside, sitting on some rocks, far away from the palm trees (coconuts fall every 5 seconds here).
"What do you think Taejoon's deal is?" Mingyu asks me, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion, a look that's cute on only him.
"She's probably here because this place has the best spas and she's following us because of you." I say, bluntly.
"Is that jealousy I hear my Tzuyu?"
"Yes, you're mine." I say, fluttering my eyelashes.
"Nothing she does will change that." Mingyu says.
"I hope so." I sigh.
"Let's just ignore her and have a great time here, okay?"
I take a sip of my orange juice and mumble an okay.


"Tzuyu, Mingyu, we've been looking for you two." My mum says, winking.
"Mooooom." I say, embarrassed.
"Well anyway I have some exciting news.." She says, which translates to you're-not-going-to-find-this-exciting.
We look at her expectantly and she continues "Taejoon and her family are here, we're all going to a hawaiian barbecue together. Now won't that be fun kids?"
I groan and Mingyu forces a smile, he's polite as usual when he replies "I'm sure it will be."
My mom shoo's us away to get dressed, deeming the evening: casual. I put on a lei skirt, bought from the hotel's boutique and a white tank. I wear my hair simple, tying the front stands into tiny braids and putting on a flower-garland headband.

Here's how Tzuyu's hair style looked:

I walk outside, the smell of coconut chicken wafting towards me

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I walk outside, the smell of coconut chicken wafting towards me. I look at my watch, its 8 now, no wonder I'm hungry. I look around, observing my surroundings. Silver stars dots a navy blue sky and a warm fire sets a burnt orange glow all around. The palm tree's rustle in the wind and the sea looks cool and inviting. When people say 'sea' these days I get so excited, its embarrassing really. I'm excited because we go on the cruise in a few days, hopefully without Taejoon . I walk over to everyone- there's mum, dad, Mingyu's parents, Taejoon's parents, Taejoon and another family: The Jaminsons. Where's Mingyu? Someone comes up behind me, putting their hands on my eyes, I squirm.
"Darn, how did you know it was me?"
"I looked for you first and couldn't find you!"
He kisses the top of my head. "I found you immediately, who could miss the most beautiful girl in the room?"
I blush. "I'm not."
"Are too."
"To you."
"To me and every other guy that knows you."
"But its important when you say its to you."
"To me the most."
"Good." I say and then scowl- I see Taejoon and she's wearing the same skirt, her hair the same way and an almost identical tank top. She eyes me, rolling her eyes. She then walks up to me and pushes me into the sea. Real mature. I wish Mingyu was here, he went to go get us something to drink.
"That's for being a copycat Tzuyu."
She then yells out really loudly "Oh my gosh Tzuyu are you okay?" And then offers to help me up.
The parents start to walk over. Taejoon shoves my head underwater and replies "She slipped and fell into the water, its a good thing I was here."
I surface for air, gasping.
"That's not true: Taejoon totally pushed me in."
My mum starts apologizing to Taejoon's parents. And turns to me, shooting me the mum stink eye.
"Now why would Taejoon do that?"
She starts talking to Taejoon before I can reply, saying things like "thank you" and "oh you angel". I get out of the water, not realizing my tank's see through.
My dad splutters on his beer and the other parents look away. How mortifying.
Mingyu returns with drinks but then see's my condition and sets the drinks on a table.
"I'll walk you to your room. Tell me what happened on the way up."
I nod and excuse myself, following Mingyu while filling him in. The rest of the evening was uneventful under my watchful mum's eyes.

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