This is Tzuyu

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Hey,come down." I say, whispering. Why whisper? Well it's 3 in the morning and I've just snuck out of my house to meet my best friend... seems like a good enough reason to whisper. We just got back from the cruise and so my parents certainly wouldn't want me out of the house. They'd probably say meeting Mina could wait till the sun rose but I disagree- and so I snuck out.
"Yodaaa" Mina grinned. She hugged me tight, nearly suffocating me. It's been weeks since I've seen her and she's grown a lot taller.
"I need you to tell me every single excruciating detail and stop looking at me like I've grown another head or something." She laughs.
I look down at my watch, its a beautiful, chic, black watch with an intricate silver lining- a gift from Mingyu. "I have an hour and a half before I have to go home again so how bout you spend half an hour telling me about what you've been up to and I can spend an hour talking about the trip! And I'm not looking at you like you have another head.. you're just so much taller." I giggle.
She hugs me again "My best friend the chatterbox. How does Mingyu put up with you?" She smirks.
"Because he loves me like you do." I smirk back, triumphantly. "So how's Jungkook?" I ask her.
"He's good, he's really changed as a person. He's sweet and funny and he's become taller and hotter." She blushes.
"Someone has a crush." I nudge her and smile. "
She looked away for a moment and then looked straight into my eyes and said "Yeah, I think I do."
I grinned and raised my eyebrows. "Think?"
"Ugh, fine.. I know I like him." She says, blushing some more.
"So how much have you flirted on a scale of 1 to 10?" I joke.
"About an 8, and its mutual."
"Ooh.. I bet you'll be together by next weekend!"
She shrugs, "I don't care how long it takes as long as we end up together."
I "aww" her and she looks pretty embarrassed. Good, that means I've done my job as a best friend. When I first started dating Mingyu she would tease me endlessly. This was just making sure that I teased her just as much.
"Shush,tell me all about spending time in Hawaii with Mingyu ."
"The cruise was amazing and Mingyu is-" At this point I must have been staring into the distance with a love struck expression for which I had my fair share of teasing.
"Incredible." She finishes.
"Pretty much." I smile.
"I need details." She whines, as persistently as my five year old cousin Melanie who always insists on playing princesses.
"Well on the plane ride over to Hawaii, I was pretty annoyed with Mingyu but he made being annoyed really difficult and I ended up sleeping on his shoulder." I confess. "And he held my hand during take off and kissed it." I add, secretly pleased.
"That must have made someone pret-ty happy." She giggles.
"I was annoyed." I say, trying to pull off a straight face but failing when she caught on to my bluff and winked.
"Of course you were."
"Well he wrote me a note, apologizing which was really sweet of him." I tell her.
"And he said everything I told you he would, right?"
"Right." I say and she squeals.
"And then our parents found out, surprising they were okay with it."
She laughs " Mingyu's mom loves you so that wouldn't have been an issue and Tzuyu we all know that your parents are the most chilled out parents anyone could ever have, provided you keep up your grades in school."
I frown. "That's the problem, I haven't been doing as well as I should be, Mingyu is my distraction."
She frowns too "Tzuyu but you can't-"
"I know." I finish.
"I'll just have to learn how to maintain a balance." I smile, how hard could it be, right?

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