Ch. 1: There's No Such Thing as a "Good" Morning For Connor Murphy

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Wow guys we have so much written I can't believe it! ~Squirrel

okay so I just laughed and it sounded just like jared's laugh and I am so fucking proud. okay just though you should know that ~Squirrel

so I was typing and I accidentally typed in all caps because my stupid fingers hit caps lock and it was really funny. ~Squirrel

my sister says it wasn't that funny. ~Squirrel


Good job ~Moonunit

LMAO  ~Narwhal

What is happening? ~ Giraffe




Connor hates waking up. Like really hates it. When he is asleep he's not reminded on how fucked up his life is.  He is not reminded about how his family is slowly going to hell. He is not reminded about the fact that everyone at school avoids him like he's the plague. And he's definitely not reminded about his Shadows.

That's right, Shadows. Plural.

There are two kinds of shadows. There are shadows that are created by blocking light, and there are Shadows (spelled with a capital 'S'). Shadows are physical forms of mental disorders, fears and/or strong negative emotions. They follow you around and whisper things in your ear, or sometimes controls your actions. Their sole purpose is to make your life miserable. Unfortunately for Connor, his Shadows are great at their job, and if Connor could, he would send them all to hell.

It's normal for people to have Shadows. Normal people have one, sometimes even two. Not for Connor though, he has six. Fucking six.

It's honestly a miracle he's not dead yet. Or crazy. Or insane. Well as sane as Connor can get with six Shadows. Then again he did try to kill himself last summer so maybe he's not really sane at all.

So that's why Connor's alarm clock was thrown across the room at the wall. Because Connor really fucking hates mornings.

"Well someone's is a great mood!" Said a cheerfully sarcastic voice.

Connor groaned and buried his head under his pillow, "Fuck off and leave me alone for one morning."

"But it's our job to make you miserable!" said the voice again.

Connor looked out from under his pillow only to see a little fairy staring at him.

"Rise and shine you sleepy dick."

Okay so it wasn't exactly a fairy, but having this particular Shadow his whole life, that's the best way for Connor to describe it. This Shadow is Hyper, his ADHD, and it takes the form of a little boy (more like a tiny boy since this "little" boy is five inches tall) with a pair of fuzzy bat wings on his back. Hyper may look like an evil fairy but acts more like a fly. He loves to fly around in Connor's face and he has a very high pitched voice.

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