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the tour

 [CHAPTER THREE]the tour

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Eleanor was still flustered by her and Minho's awkward meeting later that night. If her mind even simply wandered to heading back to the room to sleep later that night, her cheeks would heat up in a blush at the thought of facing Minho once again. A group of boys whom Alby had called Builders brought up her cot before dinner, setting it on the wall opposite of Minho's. Eleanor was thankful for the distance between them- but she knew that there wasn't any way of escaping the embarrassment that she would carry with her for a long time.

Eleanor was even more nervous when it came time for dinner. She had yet to be around a group of more than three of the boys since she had first arrived in the lift, and she wasn't looking forward to the pairs of eyes that she was sure would follow her the entire time. Much to her surprise, Minho seemed to have been waiting for her as she exited the Homestead, for he rapidly approached her as soon as she came into sight. Eleanor hadn't any idea how to feel about this, though she forced a small smile on to her face as Minho stopped in front of her.

"Thought I'd keep you company," he said as she approached him. "Stop any of these shanks from bothering you too badly."

Eleanor was thankful for this, shooting the boy a small smile before he began to lead her towards the overhang area- which Alby had referred to as the Kitchens. Already, dozens of boys were crowded around the picnic tables, digging into chicken and green beans. Though as Eleanor entered the area, staying close to Minho as if she were a lost puppy, all eyes turned to her.

Eleanor knew that the boys' were staring at her as she crossed the area towards the nearest empty picnic table, a tray of food gripped tightly in her hands. She did her best to ignore the prying eyes, though they left her uneasy and rather annoyed. She slid on to the bench in front of the table, her fingers tapping against the wood as she stared down at the food on her tray. What surprised her, however, was that Minho was following closely behind her. She jumped slightly, startled, as the Asian boy slid into on to the bench across from her. He held a tray of food in his hands, and he smiled at her cheekily.

"No need to become so worked up over the way we met, Greenie," he said to her, humor evident in his voice.

"Why does everyone call me Greenie?" asked Eleanor, attempting to change the awkward subject and hoping that Minho would actually give her answers rather than scold her for being curious.

"It's just what we call the new kids," Minho said with a shrug, his mouth stuffed full with a roll.

Eleanor's nose scrunched slightly as a bit of food fell from his mouth. "You don't have to sit over here, you know. I don't need pity."

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