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As time continued on, life in the Glade slowly went back to normal. Of course, the grief caused by Nick's death still hung heavy on the Gladers' shoulders (they weren't going to get over the loss of their leader so quickly), though the melancholy mood that had hung over everyone like an eerie storm cloud was finally starting to lift. It had taken some time to get used to the new way of order, for Alby and Nick were two very different people with very different ways of leading, though the dark-skinned boy proved himself over and over again that he was fit to lead.

After being promoted to second-in-command, Newt had been exceptionally busier during the day. Though somehow he would always find the time to check up on Eleanor. He never missed a meal, for he always sat right by her side, and he would often times visit her whilst she worked at the Blood House. He would always claim that he was only making sure no one was giving her a hard time, but Eleanor always teased him and said that he just missed her that much. And in the end, she always got him to admit it.

Although most Gladers were slowly recovering from Nick's death, there were a select few boys who were still deeply affected- and one of those boys was Gally. The Builder had yet to return to his normal self, and he was often seen wearing a deep frown on his face. This worried Eleanor, for she was used to seeing him as a cheerful boy who spoke to everyone.

One day, Eleanor decided to approach the secluded boy, determined to attempt to make him feel even the slightest bit better. Gally was seated beneath a tree beside the Homestead, watching on as the other Builders repaired a hole in the side of the misshapen building. A small frown tugged downwards on his lips, and his dark eyes were shining with evident sadness.

"Are you all right?" Eleanor asked the boy, though she already knew the answer.

Gally only simply shrugged. "As good as I'll ever be, I guess," he said quietly. He then glanced up at the girl standing in front of him, and she could see the ghost of a smile appear on his face. "Clint and Jeff told me that you ran into the Maze after me, and dragged me back into the Glade. You saved my life, and I wanted to say thank you."

Eleanor was unsure as to how to respond to his gratitude, for she wasn't exactly sure if she did save his life. Sure, he was alive and recovered, though would he have really died if she hadn't run into the Maze after him? "I would want someone to do the same for me. It's what friends do for each other," she told him with a small smile. She reached down and rubbed the Builder's shoulder comfortingly. "If you ever need to talk, be sure to come and find me, okay?"

Gally nodded, and Eleanor said her goodbyes. Leaving the boy to return to his work with the other Builders, she began heading towards the showers, more than ready to wash the dirt and grime for her body before lunch. As she headed towards the little shack behind the Homestead, she noticed the short figure of Chuck making his way towards the showers, as well. She quickly caught up to him, swinging an arm over his shoulder and smiling at him in greeting. It was then she noticed that he carried a wooden bucket filled to the brim with water with a couple of rags hanging over the edge, and he wore a slight frown on his lips.

"What are you up to, bud?" she questioned him, attempting to make the boy smile by nudging him slightly.

"Gotta clean the showers," Chuck replied solemnly, though he shot the girl a small smile nonetheless.

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