thank you & sequel.

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I can't believe we've already reached the end of White Blood. It feels like just yesterday I began writing this story, and so much has happened since then... *wipes tear*

I'd just like to say thank you for all of you who have stuck around this far, and I'm so glad you guys liked the story enough to stick with it! It means the world to me, and I love all the support.

I know that we didn't end on good terms with Eleanor and Newt... but this isn't the end, so don't you worry about them just yet ;)

You've heard- or uh, read- me right! There is going to be a sequel to this story- and yes, that means more ellenewt!

The title of the sequel is going to be Bad Blood, and it picks up right where we left off in the last chapter. The prologue with be up next Friday, but you can find the introduction, cast, and soundtrack on my profile now :)

Who's planning on reading the sequel? And are you excited?

I know I am :) I can't wait to begin writing about the Scorch Trials and take Eleanor and Newt's relationship to a whole new level. Until then, my lovely readers, I'll see you later.

I love you all, and I can't wait to see you in Bad Blood.

-fluffydixon xx

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