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fallin' for you

[CHAPTER FOUR]fallin' for you

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Later that day, Eleanor found herself alone once more. The feeling was beginning to become normal for her, for she knew no one besides Alby and Minho- and despite only knowing them for about a day, she knew that she would have no luck in seeking the company of either of the boys. It was no secret that Alby wanted nothing to do with her (he ditched her as soon as he was done giving her the Tour) and Minho hadn't returned to the Glade ever since he left through the large doors earlier that morning.

So Eleanor was stuck alone, with only her wandering mind and a twig in her hands to keep her company. She was currently sitting at an empty picnic table near the Kitchens, using the twig to scrape designs into the worn wooden table and enjoying the smells of food coming from the Kitchens as the Cooks prepared lunch.

"Scrape at that picnic table any more and you'll actually make a dent." Eleanor jumped at the sudden voice, not expecting to hear someone else speak any time soon. She dropped the twig and looked up, surprised to find the dark-skinned boy named Frypan staring down at her with his arms crossed. "I do not appreciate you vandalizing my property."

It took Eleanor a moment to realize that he was joking with her, and that was only because of the friendly glint that shone in his dark eyes. A small, sheepish smile found its way on to her lips as she stared up at him, her hands fumbling nervously in her lap. "Sorry," she said softly, glancing towards the mark that she had left in the picnic table. "Guess there's not much to do around here when you don't have a job."

The boy named Frypan smiled slightly. "You'll have a job soon enough, Greenie- and you'll be wishing you could just lounge around all day like you're doin' now." He looked as if he wanted to say something else, though his attention was quickly diverted elsewhere. Eleanor watched as a large grin found its way on to his lips, and his shoulders seemed to relax drastically. Following the boy's gaze, Eleanor found herself looking towards the building that Alby had referred to as the Homestead; she watched as three figures stumbled out of the building, silhouetted against the late morning sun. She couldn't make out who they were, though judging by the way they limped across the dirt in front of the Homestead, she guessed that one of them was injured.

Eleanor turned back to Frypan, ready to question why he was smiling at the sight of an injured person, though the boy had already taken off towards the three figures. Her curiosity getting the better of her, Eleanor quickly stood from her seat and followed closely behind him. As she neared the three figures, she could finally make them out, though even then she only recognized one; Alby was helping a boy whom she had yet to meet support the injured frame of a blonde boy. It only took Eleanor a moment to realize that this was the boy whom she had seen the day before, unconscious in bed with his swollen ankle lifted on a pile of pillows.

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