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Finally, after twelve excruciating hours of boredom, Eleanor's time in the Slammer was finally over with. The sun was beginning to set over the towering walls when the girl noticed Nick approached the cell that she had called home for an entire day.

"Time's up, Greenbean," said the leader as he crouched down in front of the wooden door, untying the knot that secured it shut. "Ready to be a free woman again?"

"You bet," Eleanor murmured, thanking Nick as he helped pull her out of the pit. She dusted the dirt off of her pants, staring down at the cell that she had been laying in for twenty-four hours. The musty smell had given her a headache, and the constant dust that flew up from the floor everytime she moved had caused her eyes to become sensitive. Being able to breathe air that didn't smell of wet dirt was refreshing, and Eleanor found herself smiling as she made her way to dinner.

Every other Glader was already seated by the time her and Nick arrived at the Kitchen, and immediately all eyes turned to her. The girl felt self-conscious under so many eyes- some were friendly while others stared at her as if she were some sort of monster- though Nick stuck close to her side as he led her through the many tables.

"Just ignore them," the leader whispered in her ear, placing a hand on her shoulder comfortingly. "You did your time, they're just being slintheads."

Eleanor grabbed her tray of food from Frypan (who, thankfully, smiled at the sight of her and treated her no differently) before thanking Nick and making her way over to her usual table. The sight of Minho and Newt sitting opposite of each other made her smile, thankful to finally be back.

Sure it was only a night, but to Eleanor, it felt like she was in the Slammer for days. And even though she would never admit it out loud, especially not in front of Minho, she missed her friends.

"Nice to see you again, Greenie," Minho greeted her as she took a seat on the bench beside Newt. He popped a piece of okra into his mouth, chewing loudly as if he were purposely trying to get on Eleanor's nerves.

"Feeling's not mutual," muttered the girl, though she wore a smile on her face as she watched the Runner try and catch a piece of okra that he threw into the air. "I didn't really miss you, or your disgusting table manners."

"You know you love me," Minho said through a mouthful of food. He then glanced over his shoulder, gesturing towards the table where Gally sat with his fellow Gladers. He turned back around to look at Eleanor once more, picking up a baked potato in his hand. "Do you think this is as big as Gally's nose?"

" WHITE BLOOD " T. MAZE RUNNER¹Where stories live. Discover now