The King

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Benjamin [Alessandro Dellisola] above!

Shit turns real this chapter ;)


A full-grown young man rolled to his side on his extravagant bed, a smile stretching his face. He couldn't help but feel giddy, an odd, but not necessarily bad feeling rising in his chest. Maybe it was nerves, maybe it was eagerness, or maybe it was just stomach acting up. It didn't matter, nothing else mattered today.

Finally, today was the day! His parents were going to introduce him to his bride today. He would finally meet his wife and the future queen of the country. He was as excited as a child on Christmas.

Would she be short? Or would she stand as tall as him? But that would be pretty impossible as he stood at nearly six feet tall. Women of Marais were known for being petite. Maybe she'd be a little on the plump side, he had always appreciated curves on ladies. Or maybe she'd be broad shouldered, with aristocratic features. But whoever she was and however she looked, he just knew he would love her greatly. After all, she had been chosen by fate itself.

She would save his life in future. And this can only mean that she must be a warrior at heart!

If he had been some adolescent child, he would have squealed and bit his pillow.

He was twenty already. Young people in his country get married by the age of eighteen. He had to wait two years for her to be eighteen. He smiled at the thought. It would be worth the wait indeed. Doesn't time make the heart grow fonder, or something like that?

As the crown prince, as the sole prince, Benjamin had everything one could only wish for. He considered himself pretty lucky. He was admired by many people in his country, mainly for his 'princely' looks, full eyebrows, warm, dark eyes, full lips, a strong jaw, luscious hair, and a fashionable beard, which was rare to be seen on men in his country, as most of them could only grow a stubble at most. He looked quite princely indeed, if he dared say so himself.

He got up from the comfort of his bed, the silk sheets falling behind him. Walking up to his giant closet, he peered at himself in the mirror, forever pleased with what he stared back at.q

"Meet you soon, my lady." He smirked at his reflection.


"Louis! Hurry up!" His mother shouted from downstairs. But Louis had no desire to hurry up or do anything at all. He was tired. He had spent all night thinking and hadn't gotten any sleep, anxiety and nerves eating him up. And now he had to go to the castle to meet the prince.

His prince.

He blushed at the thought and suppressed an embarrassed scream.

He had spent his entire night thinking about his life. His past, the things he had done and the people he had met, the present, the life he knew, and the future, the life he'll have to live and what might become of it. His parents, his sisters, the prince, the King and the Queen and Victor.


Oh, but how would he ever be able to forget about Victor? Do people ever forget about their first love? Even when he would be married, would he ever really be able to forget his childhood love, the one who made him realize he had no appreciation for the soft curves of a woman, but for the hard muscles of a man? The boy who always succeeded to take his breath away? The boy who made him swoon like a teenager?

I'm lucky enough that I'm getting married to a man. He thought wryly.

His sisters, Adrianna, Patrice and Macy had all been ecstatic with the news, each one claiming themselves the role of the maid of honour. His mother had quietly patted his shoulder, knowing what he is going through. She probably thinks he wanted a girl as his life partner, and he didn't want to correct her. He had no idea how she'd react. Let her think he was fulfilling his duty like a good citizen of his country, and not a disappointment of a man.

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