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Let's see the things in Benjamin's perspective today.


Benjamin sighed as he finished checking the last sheet of paper. It was just some account of trades, something that his past self would not concern himself with. But the Prince was now ready to become responsible and take over the throne soon, giving his father the joy of retirement as well as the relief of leaving the kingdom in able hands. He had even skipped his dinner today, asking his parents and husband to eat without him, just to complete this extra work.

Why the sudden change you ask? Well it was because of someone that he was willing to change his crude ways and act like the Prince he was. Someone who had been his turning point. Someone who was able to convince him to change, again something that his past self would loathe to admit.

Louis was an addition in his life that was unwanted at first but had somehow warmed up his heart enough to make room for his brights grins. He couldn't imagine his life without the boy now.

He would never tell Louis that.

Thinking of his beloved husband, he stacked up the papers neatly and decided to retire for the day.

As he passed the hallways, he noticed something that disgruntled him.

There were no guards around the east wing, where his chambers was.

He was really confused now. Usually there were at least two guards at the east wing entrance. Today, there were none.

The Prince frowned and walked swiftly to the nearest guard, that was standing far away from his room.

"Richard!" He hollered at the guard, "Why are there no guards in the East wing?!"

The guard, if it was possible, looked more confused than him. "But... my prince, you ordered us not to guard the left wing today!"

"What the hell!" Benjamin spouted in disbelief. "I did no such thing!"

"Yes you did, your majesty." Another guard spoke up, walking forward and handing him a piece of paper. "You sent this message to us by means of a butler."

None of you are to guard the East wing today.
- Prince Benjamin Rémy

"I did not write this message!" He crumpled up the paper. What kind of a prank was this?! "And you fools! Don't believe any message like this unless I deliver them myself or on a royal parchment!"

He shook his head at their stupidity. The royal guards to be this careless was utterly dangerous.

And then he remembered something.

He turned without a word and ran as fast as his legs carried him.


"Louis!" He barged into their room, his heart leaping to his throat when he found it empty.

Oh god.

He opened the washroom door with trembling hands but found it empty too.


A dread spread in his stomach when he found the room devoid of his husband.


His eyes went to the desk on which a piece of paper, similar to the one given to the guard, was sitting idly.

He had never been more scared in his life as he picked it up.

The message was simple.

Don't look for me.

The paper fell from his hands, prior to the lone tear that fell from his eye.

His worst fear had come true.

Louis had left him.


Victor fidgeted nervously outside Benjamin's room.

He had heard of Louis' departure and refused to believe unless he saw the proof with his own eyes. So he had rushed to the chambers.

He pushed the door open slightly and gasped at the sight.

The room was askew. Nothing was in its place. It looked like a disaster had struck it. Everything was destroyed in a fit of rage, or pain, Victor wasn't sure.

Because the Prince looked worse than the room.

Beyond the tear tracks and the hand lying limp while he sat with his back against the side of the bed, in the messy room, Victor saw something that sent a pang to his heart.

He looked defeated.

As much as he hated the Prince for taking Louis away, he couldn't bring himself to talk or even think ill of him now. Not with him looking like that.

The room was full of destroyed furniture and things and yet, it was still empty.

He tentatively walked forward and stood in front of the sitting figure.

"What do you want?" The voice was tired, like someone had made him carry a boulder on his shoulder.

Victor had no answer. He still couldn't bring himself to accept the fact that Louis had actually left.

The Prince looked away and gave a dry snort, "How is Henry? You're his new fiance, aren't you?"

Although he wanted to ask what the Prince meant by 'new', he did not and answered calmly, "Your majesty, how are you sure that Louis left on his own will?"

Benjamin fixed him with a glare that would melt glaciers and threw a crumpled paper at him. He caught it in mid-air and read it.

He arched a brow and snorted loudly. "Seriously?"

His suspicion was correct.

"You know nothing about him, do you, Prince Benjamin?"

The said Prince looked at him sharply. "Look, if you-"

Victor cut him off with a dismissing wave.

"This is not Louis' writing, your majesty." He said sarcastically.


Who took away Louis?!

New character soon?!

Who loves a sassy Victor? XD

Keep loving and supporting!

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