The Great Grooming

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Lovely Louis [Alexandru] above! 👆

To everyone reading, you guys are awesome! Leave your feedback!!


Louis looked up to see a woman with head full of shocking curly red hair, around the age of thirty maybe, beautiful and entirely graceful. She wore a colourful tunic, and her hands were adorned with various rings. She looked nice, he thought, and very friendly too.

He smiled shyly at her, as he always did with strangers. She curtsied to him and he blushed, flailing his arms, not used to this kind of treatment. "I'm not the q-queen yet!", he said with hesitance, not sure of what the proper etiquette is.

She chuckled heartily at him and replied, "Your looks are one of royalty, your highness. It can make anyone bow to you." Louis was embarrassed by the praise but smiled nonetheless, showing his teeth.

"There's that beautiful smile!" His mother-in-law piped up.

He could only smile brighter. His mood was lightening a little. After spending the last two days feeling sorry about himself, feeling utterly undesirable and heartbroken, he was finally seeing the light. Who didn't like being pampered with compliments every now and then? Gods know his fiance won't do it.

"See, Louis, this is Rachel, the finest beautician on the island. Rachel, you already know my son-in-law. She is here to make you perfect for the wedding, not that you aren't that already." The queen said, looking at Louis as if he was the apple of the eye.

Louis nodded, deciding to just go with the flow. It wasn't like he knew any better than them.

Rachel looked him over for a second, making him entirely self-conscious, even though there was no reason. After a moment of contemplation, she said to the queen, "I think we can start with the hair grooming, your majesty?"

"Is my hair not good-looking?" Louis asked, insecure.

Rachel chuckled and shook her head, "No, your highness, you misunderstood. I'm only going to trim and shape the hair on your head. But I'm also going to groom the hair on other parts of your body."

"O-Other p-parts?"


Louis shouted as his leg hairs were ripped out harshly by the wax, tears springing to his eyes.

Why do I have to go through this torture?!

"I'm sorry, your highness. Only a few are left."


"Are you sure, your highness? I can do-"

"No! I mean- I c-can do it! You can just wait!"

He quickly went inside the washroom, to shave his pubic hair.


"Ouch!" Louis yelped as his eyebrow hair were plucked, apparently to give them a clearer shape.

"Next is your upper lip, your highness, please blow out your cheeks."

"Why not a razor?" He almost whimpered.

Rachel laughed good-naturedly. "They'll grow back before dawn."

Kill me God.


Louis looked into the mirror and whined, "I'm totally hairless now! All my manliness is gone, not that there was much to begin with." He sighed.

He suppressed a little whimper as he remembered the pain he had to go through. It felt so unfair to go through all of this when his reward at the end of it was the worst human prince to walk the earth. A pretty prince, but the worst of them all, considering most princes were objectively pretty to begin with. Or at least, that's what he supposed they were. He'd only ever met one prince in his life, and dear god, if they were all like this one, he wa better off without meeting any others.

Still, removing all body hair just for the sake of man seemed heavily unjustified to him.

He wondered how women did it on a regular basis.

He turned around to see Rachel setting up different kinds of bowls on the table, each of them containing differently coloured mixtures. She gestured him to sit on the chair and he followed. As if he had any other choice. They'd send out soldiers to drag him back in by his feet if he ran away.

As he sat back on the huge wooden chair, she leaned his head back and started cleaning his face with a cotton soaked with some nice smelling liquid. He closed his eyes and relaxed. Soon, she put some kind of cream on his face and started massaging it. It felt good and he started enjoying the massage.

After the massage, she painted his face with a paste and told him to wait till it gets dry.

He let out a tiny scream when he opened his eyes and glanced at the mirror. He looked like a monster with his face painted a pristine white.

Or worse, he looked like a clown.

He swiftly closed his eyes back.

After some time, she wiped his face off and he looked into the mirror, only to get shocked. His face looked brighter than ever! His dark circles were almost gone and his acne marks were unnoticeable. If he turned his head in a particular angle, he swore he could see his face shining like a diamond.

Rachel was a miracle worker!

See, this was a procedure he could actually get behind. It hadn't hurt, it was relatively mess-free and it had made him feel and look good as well.

Maybe the Prince would like me now...

He shook his head mentally at his petty thought.

I should not care about his opinion. I hate him!

"You did a brilliant work! Miss Rachel! You are definitely the best beautician!" He told her, grinning with his eyes crinkled.

"Thank you, your highness. It's a honour to groom you up, you are truly a beauty. Prince Benjamin is rather lucky to have you, I must say." She winked at him.

If only you knew...


When he returned home, his family was shocked to see him, with bright skin and more kempt hair. Rachel had also given him a hamper of beauty products to use and had threatened him, rather nicely, to use them daily.

"Wow big brother! You look even more beautiful than me!" Masy said in awe.

"Wow, young lady, a praise from you is my honour!" He chuckled and ruffled his youngest sister's hair.

"She is right, Louis. You look royal." His mother complimented.

"The Queen called for a beautician for me to get groomed up. The weeding is in a week." Louis informed them.

"Yes, we knew." is father said.

"You... knew? And you did not tell me?! Father?! Mother?! I think I deserved to know my own wedding date!"

"Sorry Louis, but we knew you would not take it well." His mother said.

"It is fine." He smiled tiredly. "I am going to bed now. It is late and I am tired." He said and walked upstairs to his room. He closed the door and leaned against it.

Suddenly on a whim, he put the lock on his door and walked in front of the small mirror. He touched his face curiously and pulled it back immediately when he found it extremely soft, as if afraid to ruin its beauty.

He thought for a while and then started stripping. He admired himself in the mirror.

I look... Good...

He looked at his hairless body and childish face.

Never mind, I just look like a girl.

He grimaced when he imagined himself with love long hair.

His heart settled into a dark pit and he clenched his fists. Maybe the Queen had called a beautician just so he would look more like a female and the Prince would find him desirable.

He wanted to curl himself up into a ball and cry.


The wedding is next chapter! Stay tuned! Love ya all.

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