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All that ends well.

(Just a picture of a younger Francisco Lachowski [Louis] to make your day.


"Aaron darling! Come 'ere!"

Benjamin sweatdropped at his husband, who was smiling lovingly with arms open towards his 'son'. He knew what was coming next.

Aaron marched up to him and bursted. "Oh my Goodness, Louis, stop calling me that!" He exasperated, flinging his arms about. "I am not your son!"

Louis' expression turned gloomy instantly and he dropped his hands to his sides. He positively looked like a kicked puppy.

It had been five months since Aaron got his 'punishment'. It had good results that were very visible. The guards were always alert, in fear that Aaron would tell on them to the Prince if they slacked off. Their defense was stronger than ever, even if there was no need it to be so.

Somewhere along this time, Louis had put in his head to adopt Aaron as his own, much to the boy's horror.

And because of things like this, Benjamin could never find the courage to tell Louis that his 'adopted' son had taken away his ability to bear children.

He wondered if Louis could still look at Aaron the same way if he knew.

But what he didn't know, wouldn't hurt him, right?

"You're only three years older than me!" Aaron continued his rant. "You're so immature, Heavens!"

How would Aaron react to the revelation? Would he ever forgive himself?

"But..." Louis started, abashed. "But having a family is nice..."

Aaron looked ready to protest when Benjamin decided to intervene.

"Aaron." He said sternly.

For all his emotionless big talks, the boy looked guilty and grudgingly apologized.

"I'm sorry, father." He said reluctantly, sarcasm dripping in his tone, but Benjamin knew that deep down, he was vying for the love of a family.

"Papa." He turned to Louis.

Louis' face was priceless. He looked close to crying. He embraced the boy and almost crushed him in his excitement.

Benjamin also joined their hug, Louis smiling brightly and Aaron looking embarrassed but content.

He decided that it didn't matter what had happened in the past and what would happen in the future.

They were happy in the present.

He would have to tell Louis one day, but that could wait till he had taken over the throne.

His father had already announced his coronation ceremony to be held in a month. He could finally change things and make sure no child ended up like Aaron.

This was the best time of his life, without doubt.

"Let's go make flower crowns in the garden!"

Only Louis could sound so excited at his own idea.

He loved the man for it.

The soon to be King was dragged out by his husband who was also dragging a reluctant and ready to feel sixteen year old for some 'fun family time'.

They could write their own fate from now, he decided.


the end.


There, my first story, completed.

Everyone reading this, I'm very grateful that you sticked to the end.

Please go check out the spin-off, titled 'Substitute' whose first chapter has been posted. It will be a very interesting story and I will surely invest time in it. Victor and Henry fans should definitely add it to their lists. It will contain some of Ben and Louis too! You will not regret it.

I will go back to the previous chapters and edit them when I get time.

Thank you to everyone who voted, supported, commented and encouraged me to write.

All the love.

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