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Louis shifted in his sleep. He woke up when he felt the comfortable warmth of his husband missing.

Turning his head, he found the prince away from him. Yawning and still half asleep, he cuddled close to him.

In his subconscious state, Benjamin pulled him closer.

Both of them smiled unconsciously.


In the early hours of mornings, Louis woke up to find a somewhat familiar thing nudging his back. And this time, he nudged it back, drawing a moan out of the asleep Prince.

Benjamin tightened his arm around his husband's waist and opened his eyes slowly, his breathing shallow.

Louis was feeling randy all of a sudden. He felt bold. He turned to face his husband and looked at him with a naughty gaze, biting his lip for extra effect.

It worked and he earned a thrust against his bum for his efforts. But today, he wanted to be the one taking control.

He removed Benjamin's hand from around his waist and pushed his Prince down on the bed, while himself being on hands and knees. He looked at Benjamin with predatory eyes and the said person felt more aroused than ever.

Louis started by taking both their shirts off. He bit on the revealed skin of his husband, giving him small hickeys.

But he decided he was too much aroused for a long foreplay. He placed his bum on Benjamin's erection, grinding down while palming his own manhood.

Benjamin groaned and grabbed his waist. "What's gotten into you today?"

Louis huffed. "Oh, not yet. But something is surely going to."

He received a smack on his butt for his dirty words.

"Mhmm... and who taught you these things, eh?"

"No one." Louis rolled his eyes.

A frown etched on the Prince's forehead. "Don't be insolent with me."

Louis responded by taking off Benjamin's pajamas quickly and grabbing the thick manhood. He thought bringing the lube would be a fuss so he leaned down and took Benjamin into his mouth.

The reaction was instantaneous. Benjamin moaned loudly and and grabbed the back of his head.

Louis could only take a small portion of it inside his mouth before he pulled back and started coughing.

He hurriedly took off his own pajamas and licked his fingers.

Benjamin stopped him. "Wait, bring the oil."

"I'm fine." Louis answered.

"No you'll get hurt. I don't want you to get hurt."

Louis blushed, reverting to his shy self. "W-well... W-why w-would you care? You never cared before!" He said indignantly.

"That's because I l- ... because you're decent and I don't dislike you now." Benjamin said quickly.

"Oh. Um." Louis felt extremely, extremely shy all of a sudden.

"Just shut up brat. You're too bothersome." Benjamin slapped his butt again, making him yelp. "Go, get the oil."


After a session of morning sex and a long hot bath together, they walked down for breakfast. Well, Louis walked a little awkwardly. And everyone knew why. Even the staff people giggled behind their palms. The queen hid a huge grin behind her teacup. The king looked approvingly at his son.

"Good morning Benji, good morning Louis dear." The queen patted his cheek lovingly.

They returned the greeting and sat down for breakfast.

After the breakfast, King Rémy said, "Benjamin, please follow me to my room." He glanced at his wife, started walking and his son followed.

Louis watched them walk away. The queen grabbed him and made him sit on the sofa. He sat with a wince but hid it quickly.

"Oh Louis. I cannot define with words how happy I am. That my son found you. That we found a darling queen-to-be like you. You're beyond everything we ever expected." She sighed happily. She wished she could tell him the reason of her happiness but guessed that it would just scared him. So she postponed it for later.

Louis' cheeks coloured from all the praises. He wasn't very much used to it, his mother wasn't very appreciating, and his father was a man of few words.

"Thank you, mother." He smiled at her brightly.

The Queen smiled back and took his hand in hers. "You know Louis, my marriage was arranged for me since I was ten." Her smile turned a little dim. "When I got eighteen, I was very angry, not with just my parents but everyone. I was mad at the world."

Louis couldn't imagine the elegant Queen being angry but he decided that it would be a frightening sight.

"I was angry that even though I was from a influential family, I was being marketed off like a commoner." She grinned suddenly and leaned in, as if telling him a secret and said in a low voice, "Don't tell anyone, but I ran away from my wedding."

Her son-in-law's eyes widened. "How did you and his majesty get married then?!"

The Queen scoffed and answered, "That pompous King sent out whole of his army to bring me back. I was to be 'escorted back' to the castle."

Louis felt laughter bubble in himself. He let out a chuckle. Nicola in turn, laughed loudly and patted his head.

Her face turned serious. "I know Benji doesn't treat you as good as you deserve to be treated." She let out a sigh and got up, Louis following suit. "I know he will warm up eventually, I just hope you will accept him when he does."

As the Queen patted his cheek and left with a sad smile, Louis realized that he wasn't even sure if the Prince would sent out search teams for him if he ever ran away.


King Rémy looked at his son proudly, proud of his decision to finally accept Louis.

He nodded at his son and sat down on his chair.

"You see, Benjamin, I called you here because I wanted to tell you something very important."

"What is it, father?"

"Well... How do I say this.... Louis, your husband is... 'fertile' this month. To be clear.... He could get pregnant."


Is this too smutty for you guys or okay?

Do comment!

P.s. school is shitty.

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