The dark past

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From tomorrow, I start with my finals so I may not have much time to write. But if the story reaches 100k views (so fast ohmygosh afghk), I promise you all an update! Read on :D


"What is your name?"


"When will you let me go?"

Ignored again.

"My back is stiff."

History repeated.


"Don't make me put a gag on you."

Louis ate his words. It seemed hours had passed since he was brought here. His doubts of being rescued had only increased while he was getting tired and bored of just sitting there.

Miraculously, his abductor was contented to just sit there doing nothing, his face showing no signs of boredom. He rejected Louis' any attempts at making conversations and hopefully getting some answers, and he did quite effectively so, like he'd been ignoring people all his life.

Well he does make himself look like a social outcast...

Louis was really surprised when the boy spoke up after a few minutes of silence.

"Want to hear a story?"

Louis was stumped and mumbled, "Erm, yes- but why?" He asked, confusedly.

"Shut up and listen quietly. And answer my questions when I ask you." The boy commanded.

Louis was reminded of his school days when his master would teach her students a lesson and then ask them queries based in it. He nodded dumbly.

The abductor took a deep breath and started.

"There was a king and he ruled a small monarchy. He was seemingly perfect- just, intelligent and merciful." He had grown a far-off expression on his face. "But no one knew how arrogant he was, of the fact that royalty flowed in his blood."

He was clenching and unclenching his fists again.

"In his young days as a ruler, after his father passed away and he succeeded the throne, although arrogant, he took care of his subjects. The people were happy with him and the atmosphere was peaceful."

Louis listened carefully, intrigued.

"And then one day, he orders two men, younger than him, only in their twenties, so young, to be executed, only because they were in love and it went against his force of nature!" He spat.

Louis had a horrified look on his face.

"No one questioned him, no one dared to. The two young men begged for mercy but were denied. Their families cried, they cried but no one listened. The life continued on after the execution as if nothing happened."

Louis felt extremely saddened.

"In the same land, there was an orphan boy, about seven, extremely lonely and sad. No one paid more attention to him than they had to. And why would they, he was nothing. Royalty was the farthest thing he could imagine."

Louis thought he heard his voice crack a little at the end.

"And then light shined in his forlorn life. He was adopted by two loving people. For the first time, he was loved and cared for. He was happy. He didn't mind that his parents were two men, he basked in their affection."

Louis had a sinking feeling.

"But alas, his happy life did not last long. The ruler of his land ordered his parents to be killed, for being in love. He did not understand why his home was snatched away from him, his safe haven. For a while he cried and blamed his cruel fate but as he grew up, he knew better."

Louis felt a tear run down his face.

The boy looked at him, his face was still emotionless but his eyes, they were so sad and lonely that Louis figured who the boy from his story was.

"Say, Louis, would you call it bad, if the boy grew up to hate the royalties and the king? Wouldn't you?"

He did not wait for an answer as Louis was speechless, and continued.

"Would you blame him if he wanted vengeance?"

He got up and walked towards Louis.

"Why was he denied the love of a parent, a comfort of a home? Why were the men denied love or mercy?"

He crouched and looked at Louis in the eye.

"Would you blame the little boy if he grew up wanting revenge? If he wanted blood for blood? If he wanted to kill the king's only son?"

Louis' eyes widened but he could not utter a word. The reality of being in such a dangerous situation struck him suddenly and fear crept into his mind.

"You are lucky that you are beautiful, Louis. I would have marred anyone else's face."

And then Louis felt pain. Horrible, terrific, sharp pain in his abdomen. His horrified eyes looked down to see a knife impaling him.

His world faded to black.


Where is the hero when you need him?

This turned out kind of short but I felt like it needed to end there.

Thoughts on new revelations?

Truly honest, I cried while writing his story. I cry a lot. :')

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