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My finals are coming up but I will try to update regularly.

Sometimes I laugh so hard at you guys' comments.

Btw, Alan Stokes as the new character!


Louis woke with a start as water splashed onto his face. He gasped and shook his head, his dizzy mind wondering what happened with him.

He vaguely recalled a butler, or not a butler coming in to his room, a pain on his neck and then pitch darkness.

He was abducted.

"Had a good sleep, princess?"

He gulped and looked up to the source of voice in fear. He had half expected to see a big, scary looking man but rather saw a young man like himself.

It was the same fake butler that had striked him. Still, the boy looked barely seventeen.

"W-Who are y-you?" He stupidly asked, trying to keep his voice from cracking.

Knowing that the abductor probably wouldn't answer, he looked around at his sorroundings. The room was not as dark and scary as he expected, it looked more like someone's storeroom. There were old, dusty shelves full of different things, a chair that looked like it would break if someone sat on it, and two light bulbs hanging from the ceiling.

The paint on the walls was crippling off and there were several cobwebs in the corners. The room had definitely seen better days.

"Why d-did y-you bring me here?" He asked again.

The boy just stared at him passively and said, "Shut up."

Feeling like an idiot, Louis tried to sit up but without his hands, it was troublesome. He put pressure and ground his feet on the tiled floor and managed to sit up. There was a little ache in his upper back but he tried to ignore it.

"W-Where am I?" He blurted out again.

The boy looked at him with bored face, then at his clock hanging on the wall, and then again at him. He finally sighed.

"You're annoying."

Louis felt anger creeping up on him and replacing the fear. He wanted to berate the boy that was probably younger than him and smack his head. Youngsters had no respect these days.

"I should just knock you out again."

He scowled and took on a firm voice, "Untie me." He hoped it would work.

But the boy just snorted and walked over to the weak chair and sat down. He looked like he was impatiently waiting for something or someone.

Yet again feeling stupid for getting no answer, he tested the bind on his hands. They were sturdy, but not tight enough to cut off circulation of his blood and Louis was surprised that his captor was a little considerate.

Maybe I could get him to sympathize with me...

His mind wandered off to his husband.

Was he looking for him? Would he find him? Would he even care?

He scoffed at his own thought and for questioning his husband. Of course Benjamin would come for him, he loved him. Right?

But then again the Prince had never actually admitted his love but Louis could only hope that the loving gestures were genuine and his husband actually did care.

There were just so many questions in his mind that he felt like crying.

Why did this happen to him? What reason did the young boy have for taking him away.

Most of all, how did he even manage to drag Louis out of the castle with that scrawny body of his.

Apparently he had asked that out loud because the abductor actually answered, much to his surprise.

"I threw you off your window and jumped after you. Your guards are stupid and easily fooled."

He scowled again and remarked, "Fear not, my husband will not be fooled and will come for me." He was not sure that he could believe his own solid words.

"I expect him not to be one, too." There was a smirk in his voice, yet the boyish face revealed no emotion.

And then something ticked in Louis' brain. "How did you get past the main gate guards?!" He asked in disbelief.

"Just like I took you out, your majesty." The boy said.

At his captive's increasing look of disbelief, he snorted and added, "They were drunk and out of it. You should hire more responsible guards."

"You don't look like you could fool so many people, drunk or not." Louis blurted.

His statement finally got a reaction out of the boy. Apparently he didn't like being looked down upon because he growled, "Do not underestimate someone you don't even know, your majesty."

Realising that the boy was answering now, Louis kept himself strong and asked again, "Why did you bring me here?" He was proud when his voice did not crack this time.

There was silence. The boy was back into his emotionless mask.

Thinking that he wasn't going to get any answers now, Louis mentally sighed at himself and looked a little put out.

But the boy's voice surprised him.

"I brought you here to lure out the Prince."


I always feel like the youngsters should respect the older ones. I even berate the one year younger people if they act snobbish infront of me. Thats me.

What do you think of the new character??

And the new twist??

Why do you think he kidnapped Louis??

Comment and vote! Means a lot to me.

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