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Heyya! The updates can be a little slower now because my schools have started. But I promise to write every weekend.

You'll like this chapter! xD


"Louis, Get up!"

His mother shouted at him to get up from downstairs but little did she know that he was already awake, dreading the day.

It was his wedding day.

Hugging a pillow to his chest, he thought about Benjamin. Would he reject him? Would he refuse to take the vows?

Why does it have to be this way?


Benjamin stood at the town church's altar, waiting for Louis to walk down the aisle.

Dressed in a royal black tuxedo, he was only showing indifference on his face, no excitement, no anticipation and certainly not happiness. It was just a political bond for him.

The sitting crowd was waiting for their Prince to finally get married. Many of them didn't like the idea of two males getting married but didn't dare to defy the King.

The priest was reciting his vows silently. The King and the Queen were sitting at the front, wearing the brilliant royal dresses.

And finally, the time came, Louis entered the church with his father, following his youngest sister, the little flower girl. The bridesmaids followed after him. He was dressed in the white suit gifted by the Queen, looking down shyly, a bouquet in his hand, his hair set in a fringe.

He looked breathtaking.

The crowd awed when they saw the future Queen, adorable and graceful. Louis walked slowly, like he was told to, by his mother. When he reached the altar, his father handed him over to Benjamin who nodded at him.

Benjamin smiled a forced smile, for the sake of the crowd. The couple looked at each other, Louis shyly and Benjamin with an indifferent stare.

The priest started reciting the vows mechanically, having already done it for hundreds of people before.

He turned to Benjamin, "Do you take Louis Desormeaux as your lawfully wedded husband, your Queen, your soulmate, to protect him, to be with him forever, in bad and good times alike?"

Louis' whole body was thumping with anticipation. He was trying not to sweat too much.

Benjamin replied nonchalantly, "I do."

Then the priest turned to Louis, "Do you take Benjamin Remy as you lawfully wedded husband, your King, your soulmate, to aid him and show him the right path, to be with him forever, in bad and good times alike?"

Louis took a deep breath.

Here goes nothing.

"I do."

The priest closed his book and said, "From the power betrothed to me by the Church, I now pronounce you as lawfully married. You may kiss your spouse."

Benjamin nodded and leaned down, bringing up a hand to Louis' cheek, causing him to blush and close his eyes. He kissed him softly, aware of the people watching. He pulled back from the soft lips after a while, as graceful as a Prince should be and the crowd cheered and clapped.


The wedding ball was at the castle. The ballroom had been decorated beautifully and the newlywed couple was sitting at the dinner table, talking with the guests that came to congratulate him.

All around them, the people were chattering. Until a pianist entered the room, bowed to the people and sat down to play the piano situated at the right corner of the room. As she started playing, the Queen motioned for the couple to dance their first dance.

Benjamin stood up swiftly, offering his hand for Louis who took it shyly. They walked together to the center of the ballroom, Louis putting his hand on Benjamin's shoulder and Benjamin holding Louis by the waist. They laced their fingers and started moving to the music, Benjamin gracefully as he had been taught this from his childhood, and Louis a little clumsily although he had been practicing with his mother for a week.

The crowd clapped as Benjamin twirled Louis around and caught him, pulling him into an unexpected kiss. Louis was surprised for a moment before he started kissing back softly.

It is all a show. Benjamin repeated in his head as he pulled back from the petal soft lips of his husband and Louis fluttered his eyes open.

Soon everyone joined in on the dance and the ballroom was only filled with soft music and slow dance.

After a while, King Remy called for the dinner. The couple cut the huge cake and the dinner began. After dinner, the couple was excused to their quarters.

Benjamin laced their hands together and guided Louis to his room that was decorated with candles and flowers. Louis blushed when he saw the bed. Or maybe it was just the little champagne he had at the dinner.


"Go change your clothes and freshen up. Washroom's that way." Benjamin pointed to the attached bathroom door.

Louis blinked and replied with an "Okay" before taking some new sleepwear out of the closet. He had been gifted an entire wardrobe from the Queen.

He moved to the washroom and started preparing the bath.

Outside, Benjamin sank down on the loveseat with his head in his hands. He was tempted to kiss Louis again. And do more, more sinful things to him. It was just his virgin body reacting, he told himself.

After some time, Louis got out of the bathroom in the new fine silk pajamas. He rubbed his head abashedly and moved to keep his wedding clothes in the closet.

Benjamin watched him from behind, like a hawk. He was even more tempting from before, the smell of his soap making him feel intoxicated. Unable to control himself, he stood up and walked to Louis, wounding his arms around the smaller boy, nuzzling his neck.

Louis let out a tiny surprised squeak and turned his head a little, closing his eyes. The nuzzling turned into kisses and occasional bites and Louis closed the closet. Benjamin turned him around, trapping him against the closet. He kissed him, unable to resist.

When Louis moaned softly against his lips, he was broken out of his trance. He pulled back and mumbled a small "sorry" and swiftly moved to the washroom, leaving Louis in a confused state.

He closed the washroom door and leaned his head back against it.

I won't be able to resist much longer...

Maybe a cold shower could help his raging hormones.


Whoops xD What happened to Ben?

Well he's a virgin. What did we expect?

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