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I have a very weak health and I hate it. If I had the energy I could release chapters on alternate days.

Three exams left! Then regular updates! :)

Btw, thank you very much for 100k views. All the love!


Benjamin was not getting a good feeling as he and Victor approached the hideout address left behind by the abductor.

He could feel a physic sense of bad omen and he just wished that his love was safe and sound.

Yes, his love.

He was finally ready to admit his feelings.

Louis' disappearance had made him realize how much he longed to hold his husband in his arms. How much he missed his big, shy grins and innocent, loving heart. The lips that moaned his name in passion and the eyes that were always filled with love for him.

He would take him home, confess his love and really make them true husbands.

But all his worst, darkest nightmares were about to be confirmed as he walked through the dark alley.

The abandoned alley was chilly and still. There was no sound of life.

It was horrible.

They found the mentioned address. It was a rundown shack, similar to every building in that particular alley.

The two guards they had brought with them were silent, waiting for the prince's order. They followed the two ahead and kept their faces straight.

Victor, for the life of him, could not shake off the feeling of uneasiness as they stood in front of the door.

He pointed in a silent gesture of 'this is it' and moved to push open the door. To his surprise, it was left open.

Taking a breath, he opened it.

The door opened creakily and the four of them prepared themselves.

Victor was, unfortunately, the first one to see.

His mouth opened in a scream.

Benjamin had dark, dark suspicions about Louis' condition.

And Victor's scream confirmed them.

He pushed to the front, beckoning Victor aside and oh my god.

His eyes widened, his lips opened in a a gasp and a choke and sob threatened his throat. He could cry in agony, shout in misery but he could not.

Louis was there, they found him.

Except not.

His postrate body lied in a pool of blood. His eyes closed, and his face was so calm that one could mistake him for sleeping soundly if not for the knife impaling his abdomen.

The sight broke him.

Victor was unmoving.

The guards were shocked.

The Prince rushed forward with a pained cry of his love's name and kneeled by him. He took his husband's head in his lap and kept chanting 'Louis Louis Louis Louis' in futile, vain hopes that he would wake up.

He decided to act with intellect and puts two fingers on his neck pulse and dear God, thank God, it was there.

The relief that rushed through him was enough to knock him out. But he stayed put and removed the knife gently, his training as a soldier helping him. He threw the knife away with venomous  force. Then he moved to pick up Louis carefully.

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