chapter 21 best excuse ever

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Hayley’s Pov-

Jason dropped me off at my dorm and when I walk in Kendall was sitting on the bed staring at the wall. “He stood me up, no one ever stood me up before”. I sat next to Kendall of her bed and held her. I was for sure that Zayn would have pick her up right after Jason and I left. I couldn’t help me to smile that he didn’t go out with her. Luckily it was dark in the room I wouldn’t want her to see me smiling that Zayn didn’t come. I tried to change the topic so that she could stop thinking about Zayn but it didn’t work she kept talking about him. I felt guilty that I kissed... well made out with Zayn in the bathroom, maybe if I didn’t do that maybe he would take her out. Even though he told he wouldn’t had asked her out if he knew that she was my friend.

I pushed her and said “you don’t need Zayn, how there is many hot guys here” I said trying to comfort her. Kendall adds “but none as hot as Zayn.”  I nodded agreeing with her because Zayn was flawless.  “But there are still hot guys”.  . She squeezed me into a hug and said” thank you”. I laid back on my bed and thought about how much I hurt Zayn and if he was even really hurt. I had a smile on my face the whole night relieved that Zayn stayed away from Kendall. But still felt sorry for Kendall, but mostly happy. I thought about apologizing to Zayn for being to crude to him even though he was even crude to me to. But kissing Jason in front of him was crossing the line. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

The next day I woke up early to take a shower at five o’clock knowing that no one would be up since it was a coded shower. When I got back to my room Kendall was still sleeping. I applied makeup on my face more than usual hoping to see Zayn in Biology class. I had a lot of making up to do with him. Even though it was both of your fault mostly his but still ours. Kendall woke up and asked me who I was trying to impress I smiled and said “no one... well maybe Jason”. I lied to her of course Jason couldn’t care less if I had makeup on or not.  But I wanted to impress Zayn and beg him forgiveness and hopeful we can continue being friends or want ever this was.

Kendall and I headed to class together after stopping to the coffee shop picking up Kendall, Rachel and Chloe’s order.  We met the in the front row of class. I look everywhere for Zayn but I couldn’t find him. I couldn’t help but to think that he was mad at me for walking out with Jason last night but his harsh words made me do it my conscious remind me calming me down. I stared to my professor and I was lost, Zayn not being here distracted me. Even though I was still mad at him I wanted him here more than ever.

After class I hear some of the students talking about Zayn. This was his first year and everyone knew him. Kendall ran to me shouted “Zayn is in jail”. My heart stopped and I didn’t want to show Kendall how much I cared about Zayn so I tried to calm down before asking her how she knew. “Because everyone is talking about it all over campus, they are saying how he was drunk and beat up a guy and when the cop came he punched him in the face and they took him to jail”.  Kendall smiled at me as she told me the story. I look at her confused and said “why you seem so happy”.

“Because he didn’t stood me up he is in jail that is the best excused I ever heard.”

I wanted to slap Kendall as if a guy couldn’t just turn her down just because. “You’re sick you know that right, he is in jail alone and the only thing you can think about is that he had a good reason to stood you up. You know it’s not all about you, there are other people in the world”.  I grabbed my things and headed straight out of the building. When I finally calm down I realized that it was obvious that I had feelings for Zayn. Just the thought of him being behind bars made me feel sick.

I got back in my dorm and Kendall wasn’t there, I really wanted to apologize to her for my behavior. I laid in my bed waiting for to show up but she never did. As I closed my eyes I picture Zayn being in a cell. I woke up in a panic and my heart couldn’t stop racing. “Are you okay” Kendall ask me. "Yeah I’m just ... I’m fine”. I said still out of breathe. “Kendall, are you ... I mean are we okay”.  Kendall laid back in her bed and said “Yeah, of course you’re my best friend, now go back to sleep”. I laid in my bed and thought about Zayn and Kendall and Jason and me. How we are all connected Zayn with me, Kendall with Zayn, Jason with me, me with all three of them. And how I got myself all tangled in this. 

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