Chapter 43 Me completely

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Hayley's Pov~

"Hayley what the hell is going on, how did you get here, more importantly why the hell are you all over Harry!" Zayn whisper-shout at me as he drags me out of the room,

"He's drunk, I'm just trying to help him." I mumble sleepily.

"I didn't know cuddling was such a good remedy for hangovers" He scowls.

"So you don't believe me?" I huff crossing my arms, suddenly feeling more awake now.

"It's not that I don't trust you, but your actions are saying a hell lot more than your words" He points to his bedroom door, where harry is at.

"Where's Blair?"


"I saw her sitting in your lap, not even least than ten hours you asked me to be your girlfriend, I don't thing your words are matching up with your actions" I scowl.

He sighs running his fingers through his hair. "So what you're trying to make me jealous, by using Harry?"

"What? No! I'm saying that I'm not the only one to blame, so answer my question"

"She's in the guess bedroom, like she always have been."

"I don't want here,I don't trust her with you" I whine.Zayn frowns but a small smirks plays on his lips.

"You have something she doesn't though" he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer-chest to chest.

"What to know what's that is, huh?" He lips touch my earlobe, as he speaks softly in my ear.

"What?" I mumble breathless, the things his does to me just by close his proximity.

"Me, the tile of being my girlfriend. The list continues" I can feel the smirk as he presses his warm lips to my jawline.

"I have you?" I raise a brow, pulling back a little to stare in his honey brown eyes.

"Yes, me completely" His lips hover over mine, purposely teasing me.

"No Blair?" I ask fighting the urge to kiss him already.

"Nope, no one but you. I promise" His grip tighten on my waist, and I nod slowly. "I really do care about you Hayley."

"I care about you too a lot" I peck his lips, softly.

"Then go out on a date with me, tomorrow" the excitement is clear in his voice, I smile as I nod my head feeling the butterfly doing flips in my stomach. Our first date as a couple.

I kissed Zayn on the lips, as I let my fingers trace the small lump on his neck. "Who did you get in a fight with?" I asked just being curious, I felt Zayn tense up all of a sudden. "Let's talk about it tomorrow, I'm tired". I nodded and Zayn walks me back to another room, and instantly I know what he is trying to do, I stop suddenly. "I'm not staying in the same room as her" I snap, why would he honk I would comply to stay in the same room with her.

He groans, but stops when I tug him back. "She's asleep, and you're not sleeping with Harry that's not even an option."

I nod, of course that wouldn't have an option "I would rather sleep on the couch with you then with her in your bed." Zayn nods slowly and stare at me intently, before I can bring up why the strange look, he's pulling me downstairs.

Zayn's Pov-

I crawled out of bed and make my way to the showers. The hot water burns my skin, but I'm numb to the pain. The only pain I feel is in my heart. And I don't know why, Hayley and I are not even together so I am allowed to do whatever I want. But yet there's is strange lump in my throat as the events in last night replay in my mind. Her moans are like a broken record in my head, it keeps replaying. I turn up the amount of the water pressure, hoping that the bodies will stop, but it don't.

As soon as I jumped out of the showers Blair walk in, with my shirt from last night-the shirt is ripped in certain stops from her clawing it off of me, I shiver as the image come to mind. I quickly grabbed a towel and put it on my waist. "Hey I was going to join you" she pouts. I walk pass her and shrug even though she can't see me "No need to" I didn't mean to give her to cold shoulder but what happened last night and this morning I need to stay away from her.

Walking to my bedroom, I see just how much I truly fucked up with Hayley. Both of Blair's and I clothes are scattered everywhere. I quickly grab clean clothes from my closet and head down stairs, staying in that room isn't helping.

I cook breakfast for us, a simply French toast, Blairs favorite-hopefully it will soften her up as I attempt to get her the fuck out. Placing the plates down on the breakfast bar, Blair walks in with a small towel hanging loosely on her body. I swallow.

"Don't you want to put clothes on?" I scoff taking my predatory eyes off her. "No, Is that French toast?" I don't answer I simply nod and place a cup of orange juice by her plate. "Damn. Good sex and now good breakfast, you sure do know how to make a girl feel special" she says as she digs in her food. Just those lines makes me lose my appetite.

"When are you leaving again?" I ask-hoping my tone was to excite.

"Early tomorrow, why?"

"What do you want to do for your last day here."

"What do you have in plan?"

"A small party, just us-the gang" I say nodding to myself. Therefore I can get the space I need while she has a everyone focusing on her, it's a win, win.

Blair throw her plate in the sink as I still hover over my plate. "Invite more people, the bigger the crowd, the bigger the attention" she smirks as she pecks my lips, before I can pull away she back away and head up stairs.

'I'm sorry Hayley can we please talk.' She hasn't texted me back and I'm starting to get worried. I think I would have accept anything, nothing worries me. After I sent the message to Hayley, I text Harry and the rest of the group telling them I am having a party for Blair tonight and bring as many people you know.


Staring at my phone waiting-long hours expecting a message from Hayley. Even if it's just a message telling me to 'stop', but nothing happens. I been staring at my phone and nothing is happening. I keep texting her every thirty minutes- I almost called Kendall just to see if there was something wrong with Hayley's phone.

I sigh as I lock the phone, giving up-for now. I heard a fake cough and I stare at a clothed Blair. She dressed tight black dress with thin straps. She smiles as I finally bring my eyes back to hers.

"Like it?" She questions. Knowing the affect she has on men, already. I shrug and unlock my phone checking the time. Six thirty.

I'm so distracted with my phone I don't even know how close Blair is until her weight press against my groin. I involuntarily hum in satisfaction, but quickly put my hands on her waist and flip her off of me. "I'm not in the mood" I groan, standing up.

"What are you going" I raise my brow, not knowing exactly. What am I doing? "I'm going to take a shower" I muster walking away from the couch. "You took one this morning,already" she scoffs as she folds her arms.

"Well I'm going to take another one" Blair jumps up from her position "Me too". Before I could say no Blair started to take her straps off and I grab her shoulders stopping her mid way. "I'm going to the one on campus"

Blair frowns but shrug carelessly "fine take an hour away shower at campus, I'll get the apartment ready"

I nod mumbling a 'bye' as I shut the door.


Almost done with the first book, the second book is going to be way better, I promise.

Summer fling or the real thing? Zayn Malik trilogy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now