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"Dom let me have some money." He looks up at me from the papers he was looking at. "For?"

"I'm about to walk to the store with Rasheda."

"Bring me some wrapping paper and some skittles." He hands me a fifty. "Okay. Where Mon?"

"Sleep still. Take Choppa with you."

"You know them lil kids terrified of that dog."

"I ain't worried about the lil kids."

I suck my teeth, "Dom I'm not trying to drag that big ass dog around."

"Watch ya mouth and take him with you. You and Rasheda can take turns holding them. It's that or Tyler walking wit ya." I roll my eyes, "We'll take your stupid dog." I mumble stomping out the room.

"He gave you some money?" She asks with an attitude. I really don't like my cousin like that but she's family so I tolerate her until she jumps stupid. Family isn't exempt from anything in my book except for my nerve racking brothers.

"Yea but we gotta take Choppa with us."

"Ugh. Really?"

We walk to the back where Choppa is caged up. I grab the leash and his happy ass jumps up rattling the whole cage. "Let him out." I say to her.

"You do it."

"No I'm walking his ass on the way there."

"Asia!" Dom voice voice fills the rooms. "Ha." Rasheda teases. "Man just let the dog out."

Rasheda sucks her teeth opening the cage. I attach the leash to him. "Y'all got 20 minutes." Dom says. "It takes 10 to walk to the store."

"25 and not a minute later." My brother had the type of voice that made you do as he said. I hated that sometimes but it got shit done. "Lets go Asia."

We stepped outside and the sun beamed down on us immediately. "Damn it's hot." Rasheda says as we walk down the block. "Look at him." I point over to the group of guys on the basketball court. "They're fine as hell." She waves.

Choppa starts to bark. Looking straight ahead, we see why. "That's a big ass dog for two lil girls." A guy comments as we walk by. "We know- Well I know how to handle big things." Rasheda says back. "Did you see his teeth?" I ask. We both laugh. "Girl and had the nerve to try to flirt."

We get to the store and pick up the junk we came for. "What's up Asia?" I glance over at the muscular, dark skin man. "What's up?" I speak back. He smirks showing his gold grill. "Don't get too happy loverboy. That's Dom and Mon lil sister." Rasheda informs the guy as she does with any nigga that tried to approach me.

"You better listen to her. Them ain't problems you want." Carlos, the store clerk, says.

"Little? She look grown to me."

"You ain't gone be able to look at shit once your eyes get blown out." I know Dom didn't! He sent Tyler anyway. I could've kept that big ass dog at home. "She's his little sister but I'm not off limits." Rasheda says passing him her number. I glance back at her with a bitch really look.

"Buy something or get out." Carlos says to the guy. He takes Rasheda number and leaves out the store.

"You rung they stuff up Los?" Tyler asks.

"Yeah." Carlos responds. "Lets go then." Tyler says escorting us out the store. We walk back to the house. As Tyler reports back to Dom as a fucking do boy does.

"Asia!" Dom yells. Rasheda looks at me and laughs. "I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that shit. Bye Asia. Call me later. I'll answer if I'm not busy." I roll my eyes getting up. "Who was that nigga?"

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