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"Asia get up." I wake up laying next to Chris with his arms wrapped around me. "Did we really fall asleep on a roof?" He chuckles, "Yeah." He stands up and stretch.

He helps me up and we go down to the car. I get in quickly hoping not to be noticed. "That's crazy." Chris says yawning. "A bed is going to feel so good not that you weren't a good pillow or anything."

"You was good one too lil mama."

I laugh, "We can go back to your side. I'm spending the weekend at Alisha's cousin place."

"Okay. Can we link up later?"



"Alisha!" I yell going into the house. "In the room."

"Oh my God girl I had the most beautiful night." She smiles, "What happen?"

"Why is the window open?" I ask. "It gets stuffy in here."

"Oh okay." I sit on the bed. "Well first him and Monte are actually brothers, well adopted brothers."

"Oh yea, I heard."

"So we went to the rooftop of this building and sat there talking, looking at the stars, and guess what?"

"I know you didn't do what I'm thinking."

I laugh, "Hell no. But he asked me to be his girlfriend."

She smiles, "Finally."

"I know!"

"Did you tell him about Mon and Dom?"

"I was about to tell him everything but he went into thing about his little brother and how he was killed to gun violence. Then I'm like Chris I need to tell you something and he was like can it wait because he rather do something else than talking which was just kissing but you know my mind went else where. I embarrassed myself feeling all shy, telling him I have zero experience with this shit... then he's like I wasn't talking about that and if the time comes I can teach you and he likes that about me." I say all in one breath.

"That's cute. I told you he was sweet."

"You did. So what happen with you and Mon Mon?"

"Mon Mon?" She questions looking at me funny. "Monte..." I clarify for her. "Oh girl we danced some more at the party and that was it. He didn't want to talk about what went down with him and Chris."

"Really? I just knew you two would hit it off."

"I don't know but I did get his number and we went out after the party and got something to eat but it was different. He seemed cool the first time we hung out with them. Maybe he was just too upset about it last night."

"True could be... Chris wants to link up later, you cool with having a do-over with Monte? If he comes which I'm sure he would like to redeem himself."

"Yeah that's fine. Maybe today will be better than last night."

"Hopefully so! Let me go call my brothers back, Dom called me this morning." I say getting up. I walk into the living room, cutting the tv on. I hit Dom name.

"Why you just now calling me back?" Dom asks. "I was sleep, my bad."

"What y'all was doing last night?"

"Nothing really. Girl stuff. We didn't go to bed till 3 in the morning."

"Oh. What y'all doing today?"

"It's a mall by here so maybe there. I'm not sure yet. I'll let you know if we do go."

"Alright do that."

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