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"What?!?" I yell into the phone. Chris stands up with a look of concern. "Get over here as fast as you can." Rasheda says. I hang up the phone. "What's wrong?"

"I'll call you later. I got it go." I kiss him and rush out the door with my keys in my hand. I fly straight to the house. As soon as I pull up It's an ambulance. Oh my God.

"Dom!" I run over to him. "Hand me your keys. We got to follow the ambulance. Rasheda come on if you coming." We get inside my car and follow behind.

"What the hell happen?"

"Dre shot Mon." Dom says. "And you ain't buss back?" Dom glances over at me but doesn't give me a response.

"Where is Alisha? In God her ass is mine when I see her!"

"Calm down Asia." Dom says. He's so damn calm about this.

My phone vibrates.

Bae: You Okay?:

:My brother got shot.:

Bae: Damn. Want me to pull up? What hospital he going to?:

:No it's okay bae. I'll hit call later. I love you.:

Bae: Alright make sure you do that. I love you too.:

Sighing I lean back in the seat. I can't believe my best friend was sneaking around seeing my brother.

We sit in the waiting room. I've changed seats about ten times. I hate this shit man, I'm about to go crazy waiting to hear something. "Aye Trey you heard from Dre?" I hear Dom talking on the phone. "Alright if you do tell him to call me. I just want to talk."

What the hell is there to talk about? Any other time they so quick to kill everybody else. "Asia come here." I get up and walk over to him. "Take a seat beside me." I sit down.

"That's your hair you wearing?"


"It looks nice. Alisha did it?"


"She did a good job."

"She won't have hands to do anyone else's head after I'm done." He chuckles, "Asia you gone let some like this ruin a 17 year friendship?" Something like this? He acting like Mon didn't get shot over this.

"Why would she do that? Why would Mon think it's okay? That's who I'm mostly mad at right now but I don't want anything to happen to him and I'm sitting here hating his ass for it."

"People do crazy things."

"Did you know?"

"I suspected it but I couldn't prove nothing."

"A bunch of hypocrites. If I would've did this the world would be over but it's cool I guess."

"It ain't cool Dre shot his ass over that shit. Hopefully it's just a wound and ain't nothing paralyzing. It's consequences to every action."

"Miss do you need any help?" The nurse asks getting up. "No I'm fine.... Have you heard anything?" Dom sits his arm across me blocking me from getting up. "Not yet." Dom says to Alisha. "You got some nerve!"

"Asia I-"

"Why are you even here? You the reason for all of this. Get the fuck outta here." Seeing her drenched in Mon's blood makes my blood boil!

"Chill out Asia. Where's your brother?"

"I don't know I haven't seen him since that. I just wanted to stop by and see what the word was. Can you call me once you hear something." She wont even look my way.

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