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My brothers have been laying low since Chris mother has put out a missing persons report. I spent over a month at her place. Of course the police ain't bout to do shit. He's just another black man to them.

Things at home is crazy. They living life as if everything is back it normal. It's not for me. It won't ever go back to being normal. I don't think I've ever known what being normal has truly felt like. I've been boxed in by my brothers who swear they know what's best for me when they don't know shit. They don't love me and I don't love them. Love put a sour taste in mouth yet it was the one thing I wanted to feel again.

"Asia come eat." Dom says peeking his head inside my door. I walk downstairs and throw the food away. Mon shake his head. Dre should've killed his ass for messing with Alisha.

I haven't been able to eat in weeks and I'm still not talking to my brothers. All I do is wondering why I wake up every morning, cry, and sleep staying hidden away in my room.

Crystal has even tried to talk to me and cheer me up but nothing. No one can make this pain go away. My brothers didn't even ask me how I felt about Chris. They just think he was another nigga that'll deter me from getting out of the hood. Chris had the same goals. He encouraged me to follow my dreams and promised to help go after anything I wanted to do.

He was the love of my life and they took that away from me. It's nothing they can do or say to make me ever forgive them for this.

I get up and put some clothes on. I walk out the house and see Mon and Alisha hugged up. "Asia.." Alisha says moving. "You can go to hell like everyone else in that house."

"You can't get mad at her. She kept yo secret." Mon says. I turn back and look at him. Without bothering to give a response I keep walking down the street.

After my store run I get back inside the house and go back to my room. I stare down at my phone sighing looking at the picture of me and Chris. God I miss him. I want him. I want to hear his voice one more time. I wish he could hold me in his arms.

"Asiaaaa." Rasheda sings walking inside the room. "What's wrong?" She asks frowning with me. Due to her trying out some new clinical for her sickness she's been staying in the facility for the last month.

"My brothers found out about Chris."

"Oh my God. What happen?!?"

"They did something to him."

"What did they do?" I cock my head to side. "Damn."

"Asia throw some else away." Dom says walking inside my room. "Hey Dom." Rasheda says. "What's up?"

"What y'all do Asia boyfriend?" She asks. "Asia ain't got a boyfriend." I don't have a family either. Except Rasheda. The one person that made my life hell is now the only person I trust and love. The only person I'm talking. Everybody else can kick rocks. "He was actually nice and treated her very respectfully."

"Do it look like I care? Everybody knows it two things that's off limits Asia and this house. Whatever else I don't give a fuck about."

"I'm not some piece of property. I don't belong to you or Montez, Dominique." I say. "Ain't nobody said you our property. You're our little sister."

"I'm not anything to you."

"You can tell yourself that since you're all in your feelings but whatever. We all came from Tania at the end of the day."

"Get out my room. Take all yo money with you." I say getting up and walking over to the bin. "I don't want it and I'm not using it and if you don't take it I'll burn it."

"Asia you got a letter in the mail." Crystal says walking inside my room. I drop the bin seeing it's the thick envelope.

I open it and grab the first thing I see out. "Oh my God!"

"What?" Rasheda asks. "I got accepted! I really got accepted into college."

"Oh my God. Congratulations!"

"Thank you Sheda."

Dom stands there smiling. "My baby sister going to college." He forces me into a hug. "We got to celebrate."

"Congratulations Asia." Crystal says. Her phone rings. "What? He's gone? What do you mean?" Dom looks at her. "Baby did you do something to August?"

"Nah. I didn't. Why?"

"He's gone."

"Gone, gone?" Dom asks. "Yes." She answers smiling. "Maybe he is a lil smart. Nigga ain't want no smoke."

"Alright later." She tucks her phone away and bringing Dom to her height for a kiss. "It's finally over."

"What's over?" Rasheda asks. Im wondering the same exact thing. Crystal looks at Dom. "August was trying to takeover my shit with a nigga name Rock. He tried to use Crystal as a way to get to me but as soon as Crystal moved in she told me everything. She just had to play her part. She ain't a snake like You labeled her Asia."

"Well everyone gets a happy ending but me. Thanks Dom."

"You welcome."


We were at the club celebrating me getting accepted into college. They invited everyone one and as usual the whole hood showed up. I don't feel like being here. I'm ready to go and been ready hours ago.

Early today I drove past Chris place and it's a ghost town. It's hard accepting the fact that he's gone. I don't want to believe it but I have to whether I like it or not.

"Asia take a shot."

"I don't want it."

"Girl I'm sneaking you a shot. Drink it." Crystal says. It's been a complete 360 with her since her scheme for coming back was revealed. She's like the big sister I never had. I smell the stuff. "That's smells horrible what is that?"


"Don't give me that ever again in life."

She laughs, "You ain't even try it. You're still a rookie. Wait till you turn 21 and start going to college parties."

I never said I was going to college. They assumed because I got the letter I'm going. I don't know what I want to do anymore. I had life figured out and it included Chris but none of that is reality anymore.

"Dom wants you Asia go to the stage." Mon says. I walk over. "I just want y'all to know how proud I am of my baby sister. The one and only sister I have and I cherish. She is a queen in my eyes. A college bound queen. You're going to go further than any of us Asia. I promise you that you got everything you need to be successful. I believe in you and your goals. I know whatever you put your mind to you gone do it. Thank the people for coming out." He says handing me the microphone.

"I personally would like to thank each of you for coming out tonight. I hope you've enjoyed yourselves and this wasn't a complete waste of your time because I'm not going to college and I'm 2 months pregnant."

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