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"How you been doing lil Asia?" Tania questions. "Fine no thanks to you." I roll my eyes. I should've took the long way from Alisha house to mine. I really would have if I knew I was going to run into my mother.

"Yo brothers doing a good job."

"It wasn't they job to raise me."

"You got a lil money?" Money is all she ever cares about. This makes no damn sense! "Fuck you junky."

"Man gone on with that bullshit Tania." Mon says jumping off the porch. "Boy I'm y'all mama. You don't tell me what to do! I will still whoop yo ass Montez!"

"Watch yo mouth Asia." Dom says as I walk inside. "She gets on my nerves always asking me for money. Ask how my day going or some, act like you care shit." Dom looks down at me.

"Where the money you supposed to be saving at?" He asks following me to my room. "It's in my bin, where it always is."

"No it ain't. I went to add some to it but it's gone." He was really searching for this shit too. All my bins are out my closet. I grab the bag and open it. "It's all right here. I guess I moved it to the bag when I was cleaning up a while ago."

"This look like new money and it's banded up. How this happen?"

"Dom what do you mean? I just told you why. If you don't believe me you can have all of this back." Everyone is irritating me today. I'm just not in the mood for any of this.

"I don't have you saving money just to take it back from you. I want you to continue to save and use this to get out of this damn hood and into a school. Go to college be something more. Make something out of yourself Asia Evans. Here's another stack to add."

"Thanks Dom."

"I got something for you later on too so don't go to far."

I wonder what it is. "I'll be in the house for the rest of the day. I'm annoyed with the world right now."

He laughs then walks out my room. Alisha is busy. Chris still isn't talking to me. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. I could use this time to apply to some schools or I could take a nap and try this entire day over again.

"Asia can you come fix this braid?" Crystal asks yelling. "Well so much for that nap." I mumble getting up. "I guess." I say back.

After fixing Crystal's hair I head back to my room and see a missed call. It's Rasheda. I hit her name as the phone dials out.

"What you doing Asia?"

"Nothing. What are you up too?" Rasheda has calmed down so much since she shared her news. Our relationship has improved a good bit. I still won't tell her anything personal but we can hang and keep it cordial and fun. "Girl bored as hell. I'm about to come over if that's fine with you."

"Yeah I don't care. That's cool."

"Alright I'll be there shortly."


I grab my money off the dresser and we get ready to head to the store. "I just want to apologize for all the fucked up things I did."

"It's alright Rasheda. I forgave you a long time ago."

"Thank you. I just needed to get that out. I never thought I would be here in my life but everything happens for a reason. I'm just trying to be a better Rasheda and fix all my wrongs."

"That's a good attitude to have. I mean I hate it had to come to what it came to for you to turnover a new leaf."

"Yeah I know." She says. I look over as we walk pass the basketball court. Wow. He's really in my mind and didn't hit me up. "Are you happy with him?" Rasheda asks. "With who?"

"You know who Asia. I've known about you and Chris since the beginning."

"After you tried to call me out in front of Mon."

"Yes. My bad for that too. Does he know about your brothers?" I could lie to her or I could tell her the truth. "What's up Asia, Sheda?" Tyler says. "I haven't seen you around ina minute."

"That's what happens when you get locked up." He says back. "So you back to be my brothers do boy again?"

He chuckles, "Watch ya mouth lil one."

"You know that's what you do."

"Yeah, yeah." He waves me off. "Tyler..."

"What's up?"

"Ain't nothing little about me."

"You right." He smirks.

What the hell. "Girl Tyler has never showed me an ounce of attention like that. Not that I was checking for him but wow."

"You've had so guys checking for you Asia. You were just too innocent to recognize it. You done got a real lil boyfriend and can recognize game." We both laugh, "Whatever. I'm just going to act like that never happened."

"Yeah me too. Tyler is fine though." Rasheda says. "He's alright."

We get inside the store and pick up our snacks and drinks then make our way back to the house. Rasheda is going to spend the night so we're having us a girls night. Alisha has a date with some guy. It's not the same guy we went to school with either.

"Dom can you order us a pizza and some wings?" I ask as we walk inside the house. "Maybe." He says back. "What's in it for me?"

"You can be the best big brother ever."

"And cousin." Rasheda adds. "Only because I'm proud of you turning your life around Rasheda." She smiles.

"What about me?" I ask. "I'm sure you gone want what else I have for you but you can still have some pizza."

"What's the surprise?"

"Go look in the back."

I run to the back door. "It's a car!! That's mine?" Dom hands me a pair of keys. "Oh my God. Thank you!"

"It's a birthday/ late graduation gift." I hug him tightly running to the new car. Oh my God. I love it!!!

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